I think I'm going to play Double Dragon. Skip the blog and and uppercut some fools. God rest Technos' soul. Makers of the first Dodgeball video game. Kunio-kun no Dodgeball. Still fun today. Kunio and the Technos team were among pioneers of the side scrolling beat'em up. Glad they happened.
Sometimes people say thank you. Like you're at work, doing your job that you may or may not hate, or you just do something nice for someone, and people thank you. But when they go out of their way to find you again and actually and very sincerely thank you, it's kinda nice. It's nice when they mean it and aren't saying it as a...
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Lackadaisical. Like, I have no sense of urgency about anything. And I like it. Why do now what I can absolutely put off until I feel like doing it? I feel good just thinking about putting stuff off. But later I get 'procrastinator's remorse.' Not to be mistaken with 'buyer's remorse.'
Lackadaisical. Love it. I love that word. ...damn procrastinator's remorse!!! I'm feeling that right now!
Describes me to a T! Got me in trouble at work today! I shrugged that off and proceeded to not have any sense of urgency smile No procrastinator's remorse for me right now. Nothing needs doing at the moment.
Blog? Or sleep? Sleep. Yes. I agree with that. I'm not sure with whom I'm agreeing, but I agree...
I disagree. You should blog (properly). Now.
Sleep definitely won out that day, haha, sorry!
The Suicide Girls are so goddamn pretty! You Hopefuls, too. And those of you who are closet hopefuls, the hopefuls that aren't official for reasons unknown. You're pretty, too.
I like going to sleep at night. I know she'll be there when I wake in the morning.
That ended up being more awful than I imagined. I was wildly amused. Planet Terror. Unlike Sin City, I knew what Rodriguez was trying to do, thought he pulled it off perfectly, and was very pleased with the outcome. I liked it. Quite a bit. And there was Rose McGowan. It was a win win situation. With lots of winning involved.

The movie being totally...
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Monday is still Monday in other countries, I guess. Today felt like a Monday. Does Monday have to drag its ass? Monday goes slow, sucks, I mean, it's kinda like slowly ripping off a band-aid. Once it's off, though, everything is better. Accursed Monday.

I wonder if watching Planet Terror today will make it as horrible as it looks. I don't think even Monday can...
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Hey! There's another black guy on this site! I must add you! And you're obligated under Section 2: Paragraph 8 of the Black Man's Code, to accept. So don't be a Clarence Thomas (but I hope you're not a Spike Lee, either lol). Let's do the right thing here...
This is me blatantly blowing off my blog.
I like that you blog daily.
Even if I am blatantly blowing it off some days? Hahaha, like the above post!