It's early for blogging again. But it is the 7th here. Plus, It's my blog and I can do what I want. In case my imaginary audience forgot. Whoever they are.
It has been a fine day off for me. Accomplished absolutely nothing, as per usual. What can I say? I'm awesome. And productive. No procrasturbation this time. Just geniune procrastination.
I did, however get enrolled in a class. Possibly the wrong class, but a class none the less. Does my profile say anything about disliking public speaking? Well, it should. Because I hate it. And that is too bad since it is a speech class. Not looking forward to this, but it's kinda like vaccines. Or using a porta-potty. Eventually, ya gotta do it. It'll be damn brutal, though. 4 days per week 1.5 hours each class? That's excessive. And bullshit. I really, really don't wanna. But I can't keep running.
It has been a fine day off for me. Accomplished absolutely nothing, as per usual. What can I say? I'm awesome. And productive. No procrasturbation this time. Just geniune procrastination.
I did, however get enrolled in a class. Possibly the wrong class, but a class none the less. Does my profile say anything about disliking public speaking? Well, it should. Because I hate it. And that is too bad since it is a speech class. Not looking forward to this, but it's kinda like vaccines. Or using a porta-potty. Eventually, ya gotta do it. It'll be damn brutal, though. 4 days per week 1.5 hours each class? That's excessive. And bullshit. I really, really don't wanna. But I can't keep running.