I don't know if that nonsense about really putting in a respectable sized blog entry is gonna happen today. Time got away from me again, and all I wanna do is write that tattoo'ed crush of mine and go to sleep. Preferably in that order.
I do have something of an update about that Cherry Red guitar that I was lamenting. It's been mysteriously returned. Yeah, back, out of nowhere. I was pretty happy about that....but now the amp is busted. Damn thing won't turn on. I was thrilled only to be torn down again. Teased with the possibility of getting to play it again. I hopefully have someone taking a look at things to see about getting it working again.
But I must go. My planet needs me.
And by planet, I meant no one in particular.
I do have something of an update about that Cherry Red guitar that I was lamenting. It's been mysteriously returned. Yeah, back, out of nowhere. I was pretty happy about that....but now the amp is busted. Damn thing won't turn on. I was thrilled only to be torn down again. Teased with the possibility of getting to play it again. I hopefully have someone taking a look at things to see about getting it working again.
But I must go. My planet needs me.
And by planet, I meant no one in particular.