Up way past bedtime. Or at least when I usually go to bed. It's a good thing though. I feel slightly more productive this way. I'd sleep until I had to go to work again otherwise.
I meant to mention the following last week.
So, there I was, about to mail my crush another letter that probably had love in it, when I discovered that mail doesn't run on Tuesday in this odd little, sand afflicted country. And by odd, I meant normal, just in case there is someone fond of this place. Don't want to offend anyone...
Anyway, no mail Tuesdays. Or at least they don't pick it up from the mailboxes. So, thinking I'm smarter than a stupid metal box with numbers on it, I head to the post office thinking, "Yeah! I'll mail my letter this way! That will show that stupid metal box with numbers on it!"
Yeah, no. It was closed. Very closed. I'm sure it was out of spite.
The whole world, in spite of me.
So now there will be a day where she won't get a letter from me. I used to think it was called Sunday. But now, with these strange mail days here...
So this week, Monday, today, I wrote TWICE! HA! That'll show Tuesday and its stupid metal boxes with numbers! Oh, She'll get my letter, Goddammit!
Yep. 'N I wrote the shit outta them, too! Yeah! It's most of the reason I'm up past my bedtime. The other reason is because I had to take a special driver test.
I failed the shit out of it. I pretty much got kicked out of that office. "No! You need to study!"
The 'Get out' was implied.
I thought I rocked at multiple choice...Oh well...
I meant to mention the following last week.
So, there I was, about to mail my crush another letter that probably had love in it, when I discovered that mail doesn't run on Tuesday in this odd little, sand afflicted country. And by odd, I meant normal, just in case there is someone fond of this place. Don't want to offend anyone...
Anyway, no mail Tuesdays. Or at least they don't pick it up from the mailboxes. So, thinking I'm smarter than a stupid metal box with numbers on it, I head to the post office thinking, "Yeah! I'll mail my letter this way! That will show that stupid metal box with numbers on it!"
Yeah, no. It was closed. Very closed. I'm sure it was out of spite.
The whole world, in spite of me.
So now there will be a day where she won't get a letter from me. I used to think it was called Sunday. But now, with these strange mail days here...
So this week, Monday, today, I wrote TWICE! HA! That'll show Tuesday and its stupid metal boxes with numbers! Oh, She'll get my letter, Goddammit!
Yep. 'N I wrote the shit outta them, too! Yeah! It's most of the reason I'm up past my bedtime. The other reason is because I had to take a special driver test.
I failed the shit out of it. I pretty much got kicked out of that office. "No! You need to study!"
The 'Get out' was implied.
I thought I rocked at multiple choice...Oh well...