Jeez. I skipped another blog entry. It is going to take some work to break the habit. I won't do it if my mood is no good. And that has been fragile. It's so easy to make excuses sometimes. Unfortunately, story of my life. I've been trying to not be that way and kick wishy-washy-ness. This blog itself was an attempt at that, following through...
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I like playing, but I don't have anything video-worthy just yet. Maybe soon. Outside would be nice. It'll be nicer in November.
Your video worthly is worth while to wait my friend <3 The hot air here is slowing down, some.. Fall is here.
I was epicly stressed about public speaking because of my speech class and the speech I had to give today. It ended up going crazy smooth, improvised as it was. I think I'll pat myself on the back all week now, and hope to the Gods of Academia that that was the very last speech for the class...

I really hope so. I feel so...
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Must be great challenge to put yourself in front of every one as you display your speech. I remember I had public speaking in my college days. My heart would race but I accepted the challange, and once I dived into it, I just got use to it. Im sure every one in there has some type of anxiety that boggles them.
Talk to strangers. Sometimes, they teach you to strum Knockin' on Heaven's Door.
Taking it easy went from being nice to a necessity. I don't feel like doing anything. I'm pretty sure if that if I don't take it easy, I'll die. (Exaggeration)

It has occurred to me that I don't know how to spell 'exaggeration.' No red squiggle. Must be right.

I don't know when flu season is exactly, but I've got flu vaccine and I have...
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relaxation is a necessity. Americans don't get nearly enough.

isn't the flu vaccine kind of a hoax?
i've never taken it and i've never gotten the flu.
Dude, I hate flu shots. I think I like shots themselves, but flu specifically, no. Maybe not hoax, but I think that it's a crap shoot. One vaccine doesn't protect you from all the strains. I'd rather not get it at all...but no one asked me if I wanted it...

Damn it, what is my immune system for?
It's really nice to take it easy. I think I'll do that today. Now, in fact.
Now, I'm no guitar virtuoso. I like to play a few strummy things and bootleg some barre chords. Anyway, song lyrics as posts can be kinda lame, or fun, or deep, or a reason to hate on something someone said, which sounds really petty. Either way, My Dreams Seemed Not Far Away. Ironically, as I sat a-strumming away, a random spiteful person says, "It's too...
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Sporadically and every day are not synonymous. I need to renew my vows to this blog and get back on this every day thing. I did a very good job at it before, but I did say that I wouldn't let it become a chore. It felt like it was getting close. Getting up in the morning felt like chore. Doing anything other than getting...
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Agreed! wink
Our dreams seemed not far away.
I didn't level up those I.V.'s yet, but I do like your comments! Always so positive and motivational. Ironically, I was talking to the person I stuck while reading your comment.
JeJe.. Many thanks to you sweetness <3

The IVs will be second hand nature just wait and see.

I've neglected the hell out of my blog. I could say things like I've been busy or whatever, but that would be completely untrue. Frankly, I haven't felt like it. Busy in a way, yes, but not so busy that I couldn't take 10 minutes to ramble about nothing in particular.

I procrastinated. A lot. Developed a habit of skipping blogging. No good. I also...
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Sometimes, ya gotta help yourself...

Helping someone else afterward is optional...Not frowned upon, though.
Blowing off everything today so I can play like John Frusciante..... It's kinda working...
I'm an EMT. I have some medical knowledge and shit. BUT, I'm awful at I.V.'s. I can do them. I have done them. But as of late, I've had about zero luck with them and I'm starting to develop a lot of anxiety. Like, I want nothing to do with them anymore. I don't want to do venipuncture at all. And when I miss, it...
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You're right; practice is all it takes. I can practice on the people I work with. All I gotta do is ask. They'll let me. I've been thinking seriously about it. But of all the things we know how to do, I.V. prowess is the biggest pissing contest. Man, fuck I.V.'s!!

I should quit and become a professional Dodgeball player...
Nice to meet you Xcleroy,

Never let the fear and anxiety grasp a hold of the knowledge you posess. I certainly believe without a doubt that you can do the I.V. by keeping calm and maintaining balanced patience. You will get it wink
