So what else... Yeah, I haven't updated lately, or replied to anyone. Sorry, I'm just lame like that.
I've been really busy. Work a lot. Just trying to keep up. DarkPrincess hasn't dumped me, yet. That's a suprise to most of you, I'm sure, most of all me. I don't know what she sees in me, but I love her endlessly. She's been what's kept me going lately.
Hockey season has started Cicatrix and I are loving out seats. (Hey, I can afford All Star tix. YAY!) The Stars are having a great year. Turco looks like he has his act together. Hell, even Hagman isn't pissing me off.
I'm hopeful the Lindros deal will work out. DarkPrincess has been with me to a couple of games and outside of breaking her foot at the first one, seems to enjoy it.
DarkPrincess has started working in addition to going to school. I'm a bit worried about her overloading herself, but she is doing well at both. It sucks not having as much time together, but I'm glad for her sake she isn't spending so much time at home.
Speaking of work. My work has really been sucking, but I think I may have received a good lead on a job in Ft Worth. I need to send in my resume' tomorrow, after DarkPrincess polishes it up for me. (Please, Baby)
My_Bright_Side bought a new house, so she has her stuff out of mine, which is cool, because we were really needing the space. We should have plenty of room for crashers after the party. Some of you will even get real beds.
What else...
Oh, I have a diliema (fuck the spelling). I have a shit ton of money to spend at Toys R Us. I had planned to blow it on an Xbox 360, but now the PS 3 is coming out in a month. Errr... I know I would be able to get one at launch, but do I hold out for the PS3? Will they drop the price on the 360? Dammit!!! This is killing me. I want a new system now!
The beard o' death has been approved for it's come back!
So, yeah... Party Friday night. My costume's gonna kick ass, but not sure I will surpass Capt. Spaulding. I'll let you all be the judge. Invites have been sent out, if you haven't gotten one and want to attend, please let me know ASAP.
We missed Halloween, what else?