Posted things in my journal as well as DFW and Texas.
Shall I make a thread also in DFW? I made a comment only on the Austin Invading Your Ass thread. That was all I did for DFW.
Hope that helps and gets everyones attention.
Would love to get this together and see everyone. Haven't been to Six Flags in years and your party I have been looking forward to.
Thanks again for having that. I always appreciate your shindigs. They kick major ass ya know.
Shall I make a thread also in DFW? I made a comment only on the Austin Invading Your Ass thread. That was all I did for DFW.
Hope that helps and gets everyones attention.
Would love to get this together and see everyone. Haven't been to Six Flags in years and your party I have been looking forward to.
Thanks again for having that. I always appreciate your shindigs. They kick major ass ya know.