The school year is almost over and my oldest just finished up pre-k. He starts kindergarten in like a month. Sheesh I feel old sometimes. My youngest is starting preschool this year too.
On a good note, last week I got a little drunk and joined the KC beard and Mustache club! Ha!
Also, I decided on being a NASCAR fan this year. It's hilarious...
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On a good note, last week I got a little drunk and joined the KC beard and Mustache club! Ha!
Also, I decided on being a NASCAR fan this year. It's hilarious...
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A year has passed and I think I'm finally getting pretty good at being a stay at home dad. The boys are doing well and growing like crazy. I've got my chores down pat! I've definitely become obsessed with my Miata though. I joined 2 different Miata clubs. I even built a website for one of them. Some days, its all I can think about!...
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I'd totally love my husband to be a stay at home dad...if I had a husband or kids. That shit looks hard!
It's not an easy job that's for sure. But it is rewarding and you can't beat the work uniform! 

I wonder what would happen if Dan Cathy picked another group of americans so single out and deny rights to? Imagine if he said that he doesn't think blacks should marry? Oh, and Mike Huckabee should be ashamed of himself too!
These days I'm waiting patiently for our mortgage refinance to go through. We're gonna be saving like $320 a month on our payments! This is gonna come in handy because our Mazda6 is nearing 100k miles and my wife is convinced we need a new car. I'm always up for that. I think we've decided to replace her car with his and hers Chevy Volts....
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Almost all I can think about doing these days is building a motorized bicycle. They get like 150 mpg! It wouldn't cost anything to run. Since the motor is under 50cc there's no registration, plates, insurance, none of that crap! I needs me a hobby that's cheap and I think that one of these things would be fun.
Dorky, but fun. (I know I'm a...
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Dorky, but fun. (I know I'm a...
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Sunday is Father's Day and I already found out what my wife got me. A beginner's home brewing kit! Woo hoo! I've always wanted to brew my own beer. As soon as I find out I'm on the line trying to figure out what the kit comes with and which brew to order with it. It comes with all but 2 things, a wort pot...
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I'm starting to get really excited now. We are taking a trip to St. Louis next month and it will be the first time we leave town and take the kiddies. The more I lookup stuff to do there, the more cool stuff there is! I can't wait. The thing I want to do most is go to the City Museum. It looks freakin' awesome...
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aww thanks, I love my Yoshi Tattoo
I always get stopped on the street and people either tell me I'm crazy for doing that or they say it's super cool, lol...well I like them so that's all that matters. I'm a nerd for life.
Hmmmm Great American Beer Festival seems like it be a blast.

Hmmmm Great American Beer Festival seems like it be a blast.

So it seems like there are a lot of women on this site and I figured this would be a good place to pose a question.
Does anyone have any good ideas for Mothers day? I want to do something special for my lovely wife. Even more so this year because she's really been bustin her ass at work lately.
What kind of special plans...
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Does anyone have any good ideas for Mothers day? I want to do something special for my lovely wife. Even more so this year because she's really been bustin her ass at work lately.
What kind of special plans...
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thanks so much! For mother's day I'm going hiking and a picnic