i...love...him and now he knows i told em last night...and he was all super excited about it runnin around like "you loveeeee me" hahha he's great
he's not even my boyfriend but just the best thing that has ever happened to me
we haven't seen eachother in almost a month cauz he's been super busy lately...but last night we had a muchhhh deserved sleepover
it was sooo nice to just get to lay next to him and as soon as i got there everything was just back to normal
he just hugs and kisses me and tells me how perfect i am....not that i completely believe that cauz i think im just average but he makes me feel like the hottest girl in the world....its nice to feel like that every now and again
when we didn't see eachother it really bugged me....it went from me sleeping over there everynight...to me not seeing him in almost a month

i bitched to all his friends about it and everyone....and they all just told me to wait it out and everything will be back to normal....it got to the point where i would just go nuts on him and my cousin (his best friend) was worried about me, he told me this last night....haha when i go crazy....beware!

yesss my little brother just finally gave me the $25 he owes me...hott im runnin out of money i desperately need a job...i'm bored n need to get my life back on track b4 summer!
but all in all i'm feeling aot better today...thank for being concerned...i love you people!

Can we say AWWWWW!
aww that's so cute