Weird Facts About Me.....
-~-when im eating in my house i have to have a light on near me so i can see what im eating at all times
-~-i wear 2 pair of socks everyday, i dunno y but it became a habit and i now i feel weird w/o them!
-~-on my bed i must sleep with 2 pillows
-~-on my bed i can't sleep unless i have 2 blankets i get cold very easily
-~-when i eat dinner, none of my food can touch eachother on my plate or i freak out
-~-i can't fall asleep without the tv on at night
-~-whenever im at home and i eat something, my dog eats too, i make sure i share everything with him i like to what he will and will not eat
-~-i always go to Chickie's & Pete's on wednesday nights with my friends, if i don't i feel like my week isn't complete
-~-when im driving if the doors aren't locked at all times i start to freak out a little i always lock them n say "so no one steals us"
-~-anytime im anywhere near a Starbuck's i have to stop and get a Chai Tea Latte or i get really upset, they honestly humble me ridiculously
-~-i can't eat with a jacket or hoodie on, i have to take them off i feel i'll get stuff on them if i don't
-~-i always make sure my hair is up when im eating
-~-at my work, i won't eat anything that isn't individually wrapped i don't like touching it after other people have i always tell my boss " i just don't wanna get AIDS"
-~-i am a freak about how my hands smell at all times, if they smell like food or anything weird like metal i wash them immediately that freaks me out like none other!
ok now you can all go and think im a weirdo
Love Always,
p.s. Birthday countdown...7 days
-~-when im eating in my house i have to have a light on near me so i can see what im eating at all times
-~-i wear 2 pair of socks everyday, i dunno y but it became a habit and i now i feel weird w/o them!
-~-on my bed i must sleep with 2 pillows
-~-on my bed i can't sleep unless i have 2 blankets i get cold very easily
-~-when i eat dinner, none of my food can touch eachother on my plate or i freak out
-~-i can't fall asleep without the tv on at night
-~-whenever im at home and i eat something, my dog eats too, i make sure i share everything with him i like to what he will and will not eat
-~-i always go to Chickie's & Pete's on wednesday nights with my friends, if i don't i feel like my week isn't complete
-~-when im driving if the doors aren't locked at all times i start to freak out a little i always lock them n say "so no one steals us"
-~-anytime im anywhere near a Starbuck's i have to stop and get a Chai Tea Latte or i get really upset, they honestly humble me ridiculously
-~-i can't eat with a jacket or hoodie on, i have to take them off i feel i'll get stuff on them if i don't
-~-i always make sure my hair is up when im eating
-~-at my work, i won't eat anything that isn't individually wrapped i don't like touching it after other people have i always tell my boss " i just don't wanna get AIDS"
-~-i am a freak about how my hands smell at all times, if they smell like food or anything weird like metal i wash them immediately that freaks me out like none other!
ok now you can all go and think im a weirdo
Love Always,
p.s. Birthday countdown...7 days

you're a rockstar.

yay for us turning 20 this year. brings us another year closer to finally being able to drink legally
i'm such a lush for getting so excited about this