ughhhhh i'm drunk and upset right now!!!
not a good night and right now im cryin!!
i just had to hold back a dude that was seriously twice the size of me n 10 x's more powerful then me
it was horrible!!
my friend jenna i love her to death but isn't it an unwritten rule that u don't bring ur new b/f or his friends around ur CRAZY ex-b/f??? umm yea well jenna managed to do it n yea they all fought what the fuck????? soon as i saw all them i knew it was going to happen thats y i purposely said everyone get in the fuckin car we're leaving NOW!!!!!! but noooo no one wanted to listen
now all of my friends r fightin with eachother were doin that catty girl shit (im not answering ur phone calls) n to be quite honest i have alot more to deal with n don't feel like dealing with this right now!!!
but seriously tell me how i held that kid back n made him calm down??? i didn't know what was going to happen, i thought people were gonna get guns out, now its gonna be a war between neighborhoods, n its none of this little kid one on one shit i don't even wanna think about it, its going to turn into such a mess!
moving on!!! i hopefully wanna get tattooed on sunday if the one and only Kimsu_tatu can fit me in :::crossing my fingers::: ughh i miss him sooo much n yes i need a stress reliver n he's the only one that knows how!!!
well im not gonna sit here n talk about how much i wish my piece of shit ex would call me right now cauz im drunk
so im going to bed now talk to you all soon!!!
p.s. my heart (((literally n physically hurts right now)))
not a good night and right now im cryin!!
i just had to hold back a dude that was seriously twice the size of me n 10 x's more powerful then me
my friend jenna i love her to death but isn't it an unwritten rule that u don't bring ur new b/f or his friends around ur CRAZY ex-b/f??? umm yea well jenna managed to do it n yea they all fought what the fuck????? soon as i saw all them i knew it was going to happen thats y i purposely said everyone get in the fuckin car we're leaving NOW!!!!!! but noooo no one wanted to listen
now all of my friends r fightin with eachother were doin that catty girl shit (im not answering ur phone calls) n to be quite honest i have alot more to deal with n don't feel like dealing with this right now!!!
but seriously tell me how i held that kid back n made him calm down??? i didn't know what was going to happen, i thought people were gonna get guns out, now its gonna be a war between neighborhoods, n its none of this little kid one on one shit i don't even wanna think about it, its going to turn into such a mess!
moving on!!! i hopefully wanna get tattooed on sunday if the one and only Kimsu_tatu can fit me in :::crossing my fingers::: ughh i miss him sooo much n yes i need a stress reliver n he's the only one that knows how!!!
well im not gonna sit here n talk about how much i wish my piece of shit ex would call me right now cauz im drunk
p.s. my heart (((literally n physically hurts right now)))
It always seems worse at first. Hang in there, sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders.
Hugs & Such