ok my dad just found out i got my lip pierced...
i didn't think he knew b/c he was treating me 'normal' but yea he didn't know...
and now i'm crying
i'm so sick of this life...of having to explain myself for everything i wanna do
i wish they would just LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!
im sick of my parents being disappointed in me b/c im not what they want me to be...
i'm sick of catching shit from people for dropping out of school, getting this that and the other thing pierced or tattood...
its like y can't i be myself...i don't try to "be" someone i just know what i like and what im into and if people don't like it then fuck off!!!!
this has all been taking its toll on me b/c my mom barely looks at me n won't talk to me n it'll prolly be the same thing with my dad...
yea thatd the reason i got a second job so i could save up n get the fuck out of here!!!!!!!!!!!
i can't take this anymore...y m i still here if all i do is disappoint everyone AND y won't everyone just let me live what my life?! thats all i want
i told my mom "i'm not asking you to agree with me but just accept me for who i am" and she said "i don't have to accept shit!" i don't get it and i don't know what to do...
fatally yours
i didn't think he knew b/c he was treating me 'normal' but yea he didn't know...
and now i'm crying
i wish they would just LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!
im sick of my parents being disappointed in me b/c im not what they want me to be...
i'm sick of catching shit from people for dropping out of school, getting this that and the other thing pierced or tattood...
its like y can't i be myself...i don't try to "be" someone i just know what i like and what im into and if people don't like it then fuck off!!!!
this has all been taking its toll on me b/c my mom barely looks at me n won't talk to me n it'll prolly be the same thing with my dad...
yea thatd the reason i got a second job so i could save up n get the fuck out of here!!!!!!!!!!!
i can't take this anymore...y m i still here if all i do is disappoint everyone AND y won't everyone just let me live what my life?! thats all i want
i told my mom "i'm not asking you to agree with me but just accept me for who i am" and she said "i don't have to accept shit!" i don't get it and i don't know what to do...
fatally yours
I know how you feel my father and I have never really understood each other and I have been tattooed and pierced since I was 15 and he and I have had some major brawls over that issue many times.But what ever the issue is you just have to accept who you are and change for yourself not your parents or anyone else.Your gonna make mastakes and have great triumphs in your life but only you can say what choices you make are good and bad.Do what makes you happy doll and just say fuck it when the world or who ever tries to shit on you.Just like your other mates on here said if you ever need a open ear feel free to drop me a line.Stay strong dumpling