Not too much has gone on. A hell of a lot of work. Looking to hit up Philly in a month or so just for kicks, then off to Baltimore for a day or two. Thus, if anyone wants to meet up and hang with my crazy ass, and you're in Philly or Baltimore or DC then let me know and I'll work your awesome self into my plans somehow. I've been on a travel kick for a while now, since Chicago was cancelled in March. Haven't taken a trip since North Carolina's epic adventuretime so I figure since that was before hockey season even STARTED, I'm due. Hitting up Cincy still in early August for a couple of days so again, if you are in the area and want to hang let me know.
Let's see... what other shit is going on? Was told at work the other day to up my sales or pretty much, I'm gone. My sales have been mediocre at best the last four or five weeks, but in my defense I've been on on days where I've done nothing but tux pickups and returns and fittings, so it's hard to cram retail sales in there when I'm by myself for eight hours of a nine hour shift two days a week pulling a balancing act. With prom season over, my sales are already better this week through one day than all of the last two weeks combined. Gotta keep killin' it, I guess. I do kind of entertain the fact lately of going back to school, so I'm thinking that might be a possibility here. Who knows.
I wish I could tell you there's tons of other cool, exciting shit going on, but in all actuality I lead a boring life. Squee, via her blog, introduced me to an underground rapper named Cage whose video I put on here a couple entries back. I get to see him when he comes to Buffalo next Monday, which should be killer. Also got my tickets to see Public Enemy which is the day I get back from Cincy. Should be a nice cap off to a rockin' week.
Hockey is over. The Hawks won the Cup which was super exciting because I hate the Flyers a LOT, and because South Buffalo's finest, Pat Kane, scored the game winner. It's still hard to watch the Cup when the Sabres aren't in it, but as a fan of the sport, I just love to watch hockey in general so I perservere. I can't wait for the day (hopefully soon) that the Sabres win the Cup and all the ensuing bedlam involved. The city might be torched, it's totally gonna be an ugly scene. I'd say something like, "If the Bills won the Super Bowl..." but let's face facts- the Bills have been, and probably will continue to be, a mediocre football team for a while. Sad, because when I was a kid they were excruciatingly sick, but the past roughly decade or so has been filled with poor decision making and equally poor football playing. Ugh. I love you, Bills, but you piss me off and never show me you care. But seriously... I miss hockey already, and it doesn't come back until pre-season, which is mid-September. I don't even know what to do with myself for three months.
Anyway, wow. This was pretty long. I'm pretty stoked since i haven't written too much lately so good for me I suppose. Love you all. Mikey
PS- This song is a biography of my life haha. Old school hip-hop is still solid.