Hey SuicideGirls Blogosphere, it's nice to see you again!
This week has been a smorgasbord of gofuckyourself. Too much drama, too much bullshit, too much work in a few short days. I've slept very little and stressed very much but thanks to some really fuckin' bomb ass people like Alkaline and my friend Nicholas I have calmed by bitch ass self down.
One thing I do not like is being shit talked. I can handle criticism pretty well- my best friend Eric is really good at that, albeit slightly harsh at times haha- but I expect the criticism to be directed at me face to face. Not calling me out on your blog but not naming my name, or talking about me behind my back to my friends. You'd be amazed that when you talk shit about someone to that person's friends, shit is gonna come back to them in the long run. I dunno... it's bothered me all week but I'm over it. I have more important things to worry about, like paying bills and hockey and pretty much anything. There's been an unhealthy amount of drama in my life and, sad to say, I've taken the route of shutting those who are responsible out for the time being.
That being said, the past day or so has been pretty solid actually. Going to see Cage on June 21st, that should be a sick show. My friend Stephanie and I have been going out for the hockey games, and we have had epic Air Hockey tournaments both times we've gone out (and tonight when we go out it shall continue for sure) and I've won both, though she's pretty tough to beat these last couple times. She's getting quick, and I fear my title might switch hands.
Pretty psyched for epic amounts of travel this summer, and the next eight months. Hitting up Plattsburgh to visit my cousin and her bf and get some sick tattooage in June/Julyish, then going to Cincy in August for a couple days just because I want to see the Cardinals. Then Pittsburgh in November to hit up the new Consol Energy Center and see the Pens play, then the tour de rad ends in Vancouver in February, where Alk and I will paint the town bright purple in our awesome outfits made for painting towns bright purple. And see some hockeys more, since that's how we do. Planning trips is my favorite. My family didn't do much in the way of vacations when I was a kid- I don't think we did a family trip until I was 14, and even then we just went to Vermont- minus when my Mom, grandpa, and brothers went to New Hampshire when I was 8 and 9 for a week, two summers in a row. that being said, I've had the itch to travel since I've been able. Been to
Raleigh, NC,
Columbus (a trip Nick and I try not to talk about but luckily can laugh about now- everything went wrong haha)
in the past five years. Some of those I've been to more than once, but not having a car it's still impressive. Raleigh, by the way, I did by bus to visit my then-g/f. Took me 19 hours each way, and if you've ever been that way (we went to Akron from Buffalo, then down to Wheeling, WV then to Charlotte, NC then to Raleigh) you know it's fucking
a. boring
b. mountainous
c. boringly mountainous.
Ladies, if that doesn't spell commitment well, I don't know what does.
Anyway, it's 4AM and I'm rambling like a motherfucker so I will talk to you all soon. I will leave you with this awesome nugget of awesome from one of my personal favorites, the masters of sarcasm (that was ofen lost on most of the hardcore scene, apparently- and still is) The FU's. Night!
Love ya's.
This week has been a smorgasbord of gofuckyourself. Too much drama, too much bullshit, too much work in a few short days. I've slept very little and stressed very much but thanks to some really fuckin' bomb ass people like Alkaline and my friend Nicholas I have calmed by bitch ass self down.
One thing I do not like is being shit talked. I can handle criticism pretty well- my best friend Eric is really good at that, albeit slightly harsh at times haha- but I expect the criticism to be directed at me face to face. Not calling me out on your blog but not naming my name, or talking about me behind my back to my friends. You'd be amazed that when you talk shit about someone to that person's friends, shit is gonna come back to them in the long run. I dunno... it's bothered me all week but I'm over it. I have more important things to worry about, like paying bills and hockey and pretty much anything. There's been an unhealthy amount of drama in my life and, sad to say, I've taken the route of shutting those who are responsible out for the time being.
That being said, the past day or so has been pretty solid actually. Going to see Cage on June 21st, that should be a sick show. My friend Stephanie and I have been going out for the hockey games, and we have had epic Air Hockey tournaments both times we've gone out (and tonight when we go out it shall continue for sure) and I've won both, though she's pretty tough to beat these last couple times. She's getting quick, and I fear my title might switch hands.
Pretty psyched for epic amounts of travel this summer, and the next eight months. Hitting up Plattsburgh to visit my cousin and her bf and get some sick tattooage in June/Julyish, then going to Cincy in August for a couple days just because I want to see the Cardinals. Then Pittsburgh in November to hit up the new Consol Energy Center and see the Pens play, then the tour de rad ends in Vancouver in February, where Alk and I will paint the town bright purple in our awesome outfits made for painting towns bright purple. And see some hockeys more, since that's how we do. Planning trips is my favorite. My family didn't do much in the way of vacations when I was a kid- I don't think we did a family trip until I was 14, and even then we just went to Vermont- minus when my Mom, grandpa, and brothers went to New Hampshire when I was 8 and 9 for a week, two summers in a row. that being said, I've had the itch to travel since I've been able. Been to
Raleigh, NC,
Columbus (a trip Nick and I try not to talk about but luckily can laugh about now- everything went wrong haha)
in the past five years. Some of those I've been to more than once, but not having a car it's still impressive. Raleigh, by the way, I did by bus to visit my then-g/f. Took me 19 hours each way, and if you've ever been that way (we went to Akron from Buffalo, then down to Wheeling, WV then to Charlotte, NC then to Raleigh) you know it's fucking
a. boring
b. mountainous
c. boringly mountainous.
Ladies, if that doesn't spell commitment well, I don't know what does.
Anyway, it's 4AM and I'm rambling like a motherfucker so I will talk to you all soon. I will leave you with this awesome nugget of awesome from one of my personal favorites, the masters of sarcasm (that was ofen lost on most of the hardcore scene, apparently- and still is) The FU's. Night!
Love ya's.
FUCK DRAMA my friend. Thats how we doooooooooo