Another potential g/f option down the drain. She has a crush on her friend. Would've been nice if she would've said that when I asked her why she was kind of trying to go against anything I said about visiting her in Pittsburgh. Oi hanoi.
I wish I was a bit better in social situations when it comes to this shit. I'm not exactly smooth. I'm very nervous around people I meet for the first time or I'm too nice and fall into what I call the "friend zone". This has happened upwards of 7983274321 times, since high school really. I dunno, it's just starting to get old.
Oh well. Win some, you lose some.
I wish I was a bit better in social situations when it comes to this shit. I'm not exactly smooth. I'm very nervous around people I meet for the first time or I'm too nice and fall into what I call the "friend zone". This has happened upwards of 7983274321 times, since high school really. I dunno, it's just starting to get old.
Oh well. Win some, you lose some.
awww that sucks. I hope things look up soon for ya. maybe you should try being frank with the girls you like I know as a female I'm pretty oblivious when it comes to males that like me and I always think they wanna be friends unless they other wise stated. that being said that's far easier said then done, and I should probably listen to my own advice. it's scary....but one day it will pay off.
I will teach you how to hunt chicks. I have mad skills.