I'm winning the bet (for the time being, and just barely). Big thanks to Alkaline for agreeing to this bet (which I can still lose, since hockey is awesome and one game doesn't determine an entire series) because otherwise I would be disinterested in hockey with all my teams out and I would be a sad, sad boy. Mad love for this girl. WE'RE GONNA GET MARRIED ON A MOUNTAIN. orrrrrrrrrr something 
Other than that, nothing doing. Playing a ton of Madden 95 for Sega lately for no apparent reason than the fact that I've played so much NHL 07 that I needed something else. Steve Young tears it up in that game- I'm 15-1 (my only loss was a 20-10 battle with the Chiefs- remember they were good once!) and in the playoffs.
Have a hot skype date with Alkaline and AlkalinesBFFAE live from my basement/Vancouver for Game 4 Friday. Obviously Joe will be here in the basement with me, since we live a mile or three apart literally, but it'll be exciting to actually physically TALK with my new BFF/future wife/Pavel Bure Fan Club Member-President. Albeit there's hockey involved, which means there's alcohol, which means the vulgarity goes up 3286%. Though I'm going to be a hell of a lot more calmer than if, say, the Sabres were playing the Canucks or if the Flames were playing them (because the Flames always choke against them unless it's the playoffs), there's a bet and I could be embarassed... on facebook, but still. Thus, I'll be a little more into it than usual haha.
Sleep, then work tomorrow. Until Friday, GO CARDINALS!
Here's a song for you.

Other than that, nothing doing. Playing a ton of Madden 95 for Sega lately for no apparent reason than the fact that I've played so much NHL 07 that I needed something else. Steve Young tears it up in that game- I'm 15-1 (my only loss was a 20-10 battle with the Chiefs- remember they were good once!) and in the playoffs.
Have a hot skype date with Alkaline and AlkalinesBFFAE live from my basement/Vancouver for Game 4 Friday. Obviously Joe will be here in the basement with me, since we live a mile or three apart literally, but it'll be exciting to actually physically TALK with my new BFF/future wife/Pavel Bure Fan Club Member-President. Albeit there's hockey involved, which means there's alcohol, which means the vulgarity goes up 3286%. Though I'm going to be a hell of a lot more calmer than if, say, the Sabres were playing the Canucks or if the Flames were playing them (because the Flames always choke against them unless it's the playoffs), there's a bet and I could be embarassed... on facebook, but still. Thus, I'll be a little more into it than usual haha.
Sleep, then work tomorrow. Until Friday, GO CARDINALS!
Here's a song for you.