So my roommate's ex boyfriend died yesterday...she came home balling her eyes out. Apparently he died from drug interaction...he had promised he wouldn't do it anymore. She was really distraught and now she's not here so I'm hoping she just decided to get her mind off him by going to work or school or a friends house and she's not off somewhere drowning her sorrows...She's...
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'm really sorry to hear that. frown
I don't know why, but the sound of my deodorant hitting the tile floor of my bathroom is like nails on a chalk board to me...it literally makes me want to scream in agonizing horror...am I crazy?
Man, I need to stop hanging out with the same people...especially since most of my friends are girls. I get the feeling that when I go to dinner with a girl who is just a friend (like all of my female friends are) I am kind of...trapped. I think most of the time people assume that when a guy and a girl go out together...
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I just ate an entire falafel pita and a beer...it was delicious but I don't think I'll be eating for like...36 hours now I'm so stuffed.

Watched the rest of Weeds Season 2 today...I may be forced to subscribe on itunes because I'm not sure I can wait as long as it took for this DVD to come out. (of course being a fan of...
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<sigh> okay, so it looks like I overreacted, since I have discovered that I DID have autotransfers still (although I've probably used them up NOW, since on of them went through this morning....) so that's cool, I guess bank software even shuts down when they close so it wasn't transferring automatically after 6pm (or maybe the software doesn't do that...I don't know much about banks)...
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I suck at life...sobad.

I just got paid today...TODAY! And I'm so stupid. I get six, just six, instant transfers...per month....and usually I use them up early on, so later in the month I'm totally on my own in remembering to transfer money from my savings into my checking.

Being the smart cookie that I am I didn't even look at my online balance today...
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Went and saw "Eagle Vs. Shark" at the local art house last night...hilarious! Seriously...I laughed so hard.

I had something else to say, but I can't remember what...I think I was gonna...nope, that's not it...erm...OH! I remem---naw that wasn't it either.

oh well.

Anyway, see Eagle Vs. Shark if you et a chance...it fucking rocks! biggrin

Update for Sunday...

Eisley rocked my world last night. They...
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Man, ticketmaster sucks balls. First they overcharge me, then they send the tickets for Eisley tot eh wrong address even though I know I changed my mailing/billing address LAST time I bought tickets and double checked this time too. Why they don't just offer the option for will call in the first place (and why this particular theater doesn't have printable tickets) I really don't...
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Cloud: Hot intern turned me down for doing something outside of work. She seemed genuinely interested, which is confounding, but she is changing store on Sunday...to one near her home forty minutes away. So it's no really feasible any longer.

Silver Lining: mere hours before (okay, like...10 hours) I encountered and flirting the hell out of this adorable girl at a coffee shop. She gave...
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she turned you down because she lives 40mins away?! what?! thats not that far away. and if you dont work at the same store means if it goes tits up, it doesnt matter.

ah well, you have hot coffee girl.. shes hot, and she gives you cheap coffee! yay!
A new Overheard in NY for you (ok it is overheard everywhere).
So there seems to be this disturbing trend with the young ladies in my town to drive with their free foot resting on the edge of the open car window. This does several things, First, it blocks their rear view mirror...smart, Second it, I'm sure, puts them in an excessively reclined plostion and unable to adjust said position very quickly or effectively and third, it...
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I'll be 26 when I graduate next year. I am the queen of useless credits. smile
Aw, c'mon, it's the road-trip recline! I've never done it for all the reasons you've listed, but I have been bored enough droning through the middle of the country to consider it. You'd have a better chance at convincing the young ladies to stop with the possibility of uneven leg tan.