Finally getting around to cleaning my bathroom...I'd have cleaned it more often if the task of scrubbing the writing of the walls of my shower weren't so daunting. I wrote in china marker on the tile a long while ago for a photography project I was working on and then never got around to cleaning it off. when I finally did clean one wall it took me four hours because I didn't have the right stuff. Today I got a scrub brush and had it off in minutes! But the whole thing is still
Saw "The Ten" last night. it was alright. I definitely liked the segments on Taking the Lord's name in Vain, Coveting thy neighbor's goods and keeping the Sabbath holy...the rest were
I was hoping this girl that I see occasionally who is friends and roommate's with another of my friends. I wouldn't call us friends per se, close acquaintances perhaps...close enough to have each other's numbers. I really should just grow some stones and ask her out but I'm too...
Saw "The Ten" last night. it was alright. I definitely liked the segments on Taking the Lord's name in Vain, Coveting thy neighbor's goods and keeping the Sabbath holy...the rest were
I was hoping this girl that I see occasionally who is friends and roommate's with another of my friends. I wouldn't call us friends per se, close acquaintances perhaps...close enough to have each other's numbers. I really should just grow some stones and ask her out but I'm too...
as for the girl, ask her out! what have you got to lose!