I found an old SG 2005 calendar with art by Rion Vernon, if anybody wants it let me know. I'm trying to get rid of stuff and I'd rather not throw it away or send it to goodwill to get thrown away.
so somebody gave me a free membership for three months...I don't know who but thanks! Anyway, quick update. Me and Lili moved up to Cheyenne Wyoming because CO was just too expensive for her to go to school and cheyenne was too far away to commute. I don't think its possible for us to have moved to a more boring town...wel, I suppose somewhere in...
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Well in addition to being out of touch SG wise, it turns out I've been WAY out of touch election wise. Colorado has a constitutional amendment (Number 48) on the ballot to Define a Person as any human from the moment of fertilization. In addition to banning abortion as a form of first degree murder it would have the far reaching consequences of rendering every...
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I am currently supposed to be packing all my god awful amount of stuff since I have to be out of here on saturday. It is a daunting task and nearly complete...for now.
Here's how it is. I am moving in with my lady, to a sweet loft apartment with a spiral staircase and fireplace, at the of July. I will repeat I have to...
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Here's how it is. I am moving in with my lady, to a sweet loft apartment with a spiral staircase and fireplace, at the of July. I will repeat I have to...
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Looking for an apartment is hard! We've been to a dozen places probably and they fall into two categories 1. Beautiful but slightly (or entirely) out of our price range or 2. Complete dumps that we wouldn't live in if they were free.
Okay that's not entirely true, a couple were dumps that were way over priced ($950 for a two bedroom with appliances that...
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Okay that's not entirely true, a couple were dumps that were way over priced ($950 for a two bedroom with appliances that...
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thanx for commenting on my last set, glad you enjoyed it
let me know how you like the book
let me know how you like the book

Nothing like coming home to a lady demanding that we bang in the basement!

I'm convinced my roommate lives in backwards land...In a normal world this is how things would be done...
1. put away clean dishes
2.wash dirty dishes
3. get drunk.
in backwards land this is how thing so
1. get drunk
2. wash dishes
3. pile new clean dishes on top of old dishes and act surprised when you are left with a perilous tower of...
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1. put away clean dishes
2.wash dirty dishes
3. get drunk.
in backwards land this is how thing so
1. get drunk
2. wash dishes
3. pile new clean dishes on top of old dishes and act surprised when you are left with a perilous tower of...
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DAMN YOU DISNEY! No Country for old men is a Miramax film, and Miramax is apparrently now owned by Buena Vista? Which as many of you know it a Disney sub. ergo I cannot buy No Country for Old Men on columbia house, which sucks balls because it's about the only movie I want to buy right now...
Un-scented dryer sheets smell like urine
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Un-scented dryer sheets smell like urine

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Cleaned out the fridge today...<shudder> abandon all hope ye who enter here.
But now I can fit the 50 bucks worth of groceries I splurged on...I mean, it's not the seventy I spent last time and I got more this time becasue I actually looked at the prices.
But now I can fit the 50 bucks worth of groceries I splurged on...I mean, it's not the seventy I spent last time and I got more this time becasue I actually looked at the prices.
Happy Birthday 

So if anybody has really paid attention to my profile my big grin is for the fact that I lost my virginity...fucking finally. I mean, I wouldn't say I was in a huge hurry because I felt like I hadn't really found the girl that made me feel like I wanted to rip her clothes off so when I finally DID meet that girl it...
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