Do you go all out like whack with a bat

Subtle like chloroform

Or like persuasive I feel raped myself after let’s fool ourselves we’re in love?

I’ve been going with the feeling taken advantage of technique but I find it works mostly on older women who get a little murdery when you start eyeing their daughters

so just where does slut begin and relationship...
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loving the community this january. im kinda locked up on house arrest so "not getting out much" has changed to "not getting out much at all"

but i still feel like im in the club going crazy!!! all you ladies oh my god who would even want to go to the club. i can just put on my robe and wizard hat and go around...
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break from the usual bullshit i guess. been pretty crazy past few weeks. no real reason why. just couldnt figure 1+1. making my way with what i got. little bit for rent, little bit for this n that. gotta go to church tonight which im not really down for. you know im a winter animal and this summer is fucked up hot and my room...
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It has been a terrible 2024. Heartache, longing, security and cybersex on point... and then relationships , friendships, passing aways, police , hospitals, and then quite a hostile settling in at my new temporary home had me quite down. On top of that I guess the way the legal system works when you have a hearing is you just basically go insane and all these...
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The bullshit keeps piling up. I dunno how much more of this I can take. I wanna bounce out of my home country destroy/sell everything and not look back. I’m sick of everything.


sorry for the mean jokes. im just a little pissed off and depressed. life is not going very fair. kinda feel like hurting people. dont really mean to take it out on you.

plus im kinda losing a bit of hair from stress and a bit of a rushed haircut i gave myself- which i dont really have to spare.

few more golden years left...
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