Do you go all out like whack with a bat

Subtle like chloroform

Or like persuasive I feel raped myself after let’s fool ourselves we’re in love?

I’ve been going with the feeling taken advantage of technique but I find it works mostly on older women who get a little murdery when you start eyeing their daughters

so just where does slut begin and relationship...
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loving the community this january. im kinda locked up on house arrest so "not getting out much" has changed to "not getting out much at all"

but i still feel like im in the club going crazy!!! all you ladies oh my god who would even want to go to the club. i can just put on my robe and wizard hat and go around...
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sorry for the grim look. im just mad im going through my meds too fast when i specifically set out to follow the docs orders, and work was fun but the heat n bugs got to me so i backed out a little early.. guess a picture says a thousand words. yes im allergic to bees and got stung several times around the heart, which was fucked up cuz the next time i got high i felt the stingers digging their way in deeper like fuckin tony stark who i always thought was more like my brother and i was the hulk/the ball chin guy who kills half the planet so he can have some peace. so yeah, could use some muscle building some tanning, some proper skin and hair care. fuk you wanna know the truth? my landlady played a trick on my back before i lived in this shithole and told me to burn a log in  her kiln outside. so im fuckcin dousing this fucker butane trying everything i can to get her going and it just wont burn (flame retardant log go figure). but i go and get my organic waste bin with probably like 50-100 loads of my own organic and set that fucker on fire for a good 4-5 hours. burning semen is a lot like molten lava. and the smoke, holy shit my skin never looked better in my life. i highly suggest getting a facial, from me. failing that, buy my essence and have yourself a steam shower in it. fuckin A+.
You're handsome 😊

break from the usual bullshit i guess. been pretty crazy past few weeks. no real reason why. just couldnt figure 1+1. making my way with what i got. little bit for rent, little bit for this n that. gotta go to church tonight which im not really down for. you know im a winter animal and this summer is fucked up hot and my room...
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It has been a terrible 2024. Heartache, longing, security and cybersex on point... and then relationships , friendships, passing aways, police , hospitals, and then quite a hostile settling in at my new temporary home had me quite down. On top of that I guess the way the legal system works when you have a hearing is you just basically go insane and all these...
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The bullshit keeps piling up. I dunno how much more of this I can take. I wanna bounce out of my home country destroy/sell everything and not look back. I’m sick of everything.


sorry for the mean jokes. im just a little pissed off and depressed. life is not going very fair. kinda feel like hurting people. dont really mean to take it out on you.

plus im kinda losing a bit of hair from stress and a bit of a rushed haircut i gave myself- which i dont really have to spare.

few more golden years left...
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