The summer is going to kill me. I tried to take Winston to the part today with a friend of mine, and he overheated himself. He gets so worked out that he cant calm down, then he gets over heated and we have to go home. Today was no exception. He did go in the water though, this is a new event. He is usually afraid of the water; I blame his fear of the water on his dad who thought it would be funny to throw him in a lake when he was a pup. Winston and I got home a little while ago and I have him shut in the bedroom with the air conditioner on.
Well im off to the market to get some supper. Hope everyone is doing well.
Well im off to the market to get some supper. Hope everyone is doing well.
we can do it this weekend if you'd like...
hopefully your night went better have been good to go through all that, just to get a thank you.