The summer is going to kill me. I tried to take Winston to the part today with a friend of mine, and he overheated himself. He gets so worked out that he cant calm down, then he gets over heated and we have to go home. Today was no exception. He did go in the water though, this is a new event. He is usually... Read More
- Friday, ended up going to see a friend of mine who was away for a year teaching in France. Nothing too eventful. Got super drunk, had sex, left the next morning.
- Saturday, most of the day was spent running useless errands, made even more irritating by the heat. Went to the bar, got punched in the face by... Read More
Lately I have been working most days from 0800-2200 after I have gotten home and finished walking Winston I am too tired to think about updating.
Im off for the whole weekend thats right Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I have not had a day off in three weeks so this is overdue. I guess I should say... Read More
sorry i have not updated in a while. My Uncle passed the other day so i have not bee online much. ive been on the tele with my family in England constantly.
So I mowed the lawn for the first time EVER yesterday. It was great. I am allergic to grass so I never tried to mow the lawn before. But I got this sweet push mower from the 50s so I used that, it didnt kick the grass and dust into the air so I was able to mow the lawn and not get sick. The... Read More
mmm my brother was a spitting image of the milkybar kid when he was younger... as for new roomies I'm looking for somewhere to escape my current situation as you may well have read. Pitty we can't help each other out of that situation.
Friday- I had to go see my sister Emma in her Jazz Band concert. Oh yes my sister is a band geek in her HS. They have a bunch of different groups that play, there is more than just one class. Band is big in her HS. In her group there was 5 freshman playing drums and bass... Read More
yes, national treasure was in the theatre. It had nicholas cage in it. So which girly movies did you watch? Some of the movies i rented weren't bad. I liked house of flying daggers the most.
Yay, I am home! It feels like it has been forever. Mum is safely home from England. I had a bit of a scare, when I arrived to the airport there were TONS of TV crews there and they were all standing at terminal E, where I was going to pick her up. She was fine though, turns out that a plane had to land... Read More