Shit. Tomorrow is my best friend's birthday. She's FINALLY turning 18. Wahoo! I saw the Corpse Bride today. It was really neat; the music in it is so lovely. Ugh. Whats with all the new girls lately? I mean, yeah more power to them, get naked, whatever. But honestly, being back the original girls because they are my favorites. Man, I remember when SG journal use to be my one and only. I have let you all down. Fucking Myspace kidnapped me. I have found a few girls on myspace, but I don't have the balls to add them. Plus I don't want to seem like a weirdo, lol. Oh well, I'm going to try and update on here more, and then maybe people will comment more on my entries. I think in a moment I'm going to make some hot dogs. I looked into hair extensions today, the ones that Amina and Aries use. I really want long hair, but I just cant seem to. Also when I do cut it, I always end up cutting it too short, grr. Anyway, I suppose this is a satisfactory entry. Enjoy.
Music: None
I ♥ DVD's
I take Photos
Music: None

I ♥ DVD's
I take Photos
yes very satisfactory. what's kinda funny about this new girl thing is this. All the girls on my favorites list are considered relatively classic SGs or at least no longer new, and I have gone on record to say that Im not too fond of there being so many new girls either, yet all the girls on my favorites list were "new girls" when I added them to my favorites list. Is that a little hipocritical of me. who knows.