Fuck me its cold! I can't wait till it snows. Hey, check it out, its mmy birthday in two days. AMAZING! I will buy man-porn for Jessica and I to laugh at. YES! This weekend was pretty cool. Spent Thanksgiving with my favorite teacher, Mark Walker. He kicks ass, his mom rocks so much. MMMMM her chocolate cream pie was deeeeelish! After that I went to Brady's.
Firday was the Burban Bowl. Which means Aaron and Brady played Football and drank Burban. We then proceeded to go to this LAME ASS party and for 20 minutes I sat on the couch of this guys house playing tetris tournament on my cell phone. After that I decided to go outside and sit in my car and call my friend Matt. I sat out there for two hours, and infact, it wasn't as boring as sitting in that house with all those lame UW and BCC kids. Eh, I'm only bitter about it because I wasn't able to drink because I refuse to drink and drive. I won't even ride with someone who has had one drink, its just something I don't do.
Saturday all Brady and I did was watch movies and lay in bed, it was really nice. I had chinese food and he had a Blimpey sub. Life was good.
Then there was today. Brady left at 11 to help his dad and I was stuck at his place all day by myself with no money, no food, and none of my CDs (because he took them), but its alright because I did homework and took a nap. When I came home I found my room to be clean and organized. apperently my mom and brothers got bored. Its really weird though, it hasn't been like this in a very long time haha. Well I have a small cat meowing at me so I better go. Godspeed friends!
PS - Look at the precious beautiful kitten on my shoulder! He is VERY cute!
Music: Mass Knockout
Feeling: Cozy
Local Band of the Week: Grievous
Firday was the Burban Bowl. Which means Aaron and Brady played Football and drank Burban. We then proceeded to go to this LAME ASS party and for 20 minutes I sat on the couch of this guys house playing tetris tournament on my cell phone. After that I decided to go outside and sit in my car and call my friend Matt. I sat out there for two hours, and infact, it wasn't as boring as sitting in that house with all those lame UW and BCC kids. Eh, I'm only bitter about it because I wasn't able to drink because I refuse to drink and drive. I won't even ride with someone who has had one drink, its just something I don't do.
Saturday all Brady and I did was watch movies and lay in bed, it was really nice. I had chinese food and he had a Blimpey sub. Life was good.
Then there was today. Brady left at 11 to help his dad and I was stuck at his place all day by myself with no money, no food, and none of my CDs (because he took them), but its alright because I did homework and took a nap. When I came home I found my room to be clean and organized. apperently my mom and brothers got bored. Its really weird though, it hasn't been like this in a very long time haha. Well I have a small cat meowing at me so I better go. Godspeed friends!
PS - Look at the precious beautiful kitten on my shoulder! He is VERY cute!

Music: Mass Knockout
Feeling: Cozy
Local Band of the Week: Grievous
NICE, expensive though, make sure to look for the hi-cap mag well attachment