YES YES YES!!! *does hardcore fists* YES! i got my Prom dress and it kicks fucking ass!!! Oh my god i went to wear it everywhere!!! TODAY ROCKS!
It doesnt get better than chasing a bus full of small children after they made dirty hand gestures at Melissa and I. That is until Melissa grabs a frying pan out of a box that I was suppose to take to Brady's and jumps out of my truck when we stopped and starts yelling at the kids and shaking the frying pan at them. God i havent laughed so hard in months!!!
.....YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA.....thats for something that none of you need to know about, hahaha.
Watching: Akira
Feeling: ECSTATIC!
Local Band of the Week: Bury Me Deep
YES YES YES!!! *does hardcore fists* YES! i got my Prom dress and it kicks fucking ass!!! Oh my god i went to wear it everywhere!!! TODAY ROCKS!
It doesnt get better than chasing a bus full of small children after they made dirty hand gestures at Melissa and I. That is until Melissa grabs a frying pan out of a box that I was suppose to take to Brady's and jumps out of my truck when we stopped and starts yelling at the kids and shaking the frying pan at them. God i havent laughed so hard in months!!!
.....YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA.....thats for something that none of you need to know about, hahaha.
Watching: Akira
Feeling: ECSTATIC!
Local Band of the Week: Bury Me Deep
Hmmm...aparently I shouldn't skim journals, and try to write comments when I'm tired.

Minus the bear is alright. I'm not really fond of the their singer, but he could be better now since I've only heard the first album.