It pisses me off when people act like my mom is doing everything for me. I didnt ask her to, she just did. She knows i don't know how to handle this, so shes teaching me so when and if it ever happens again, i know how to get a lawyer, what to say and not say to certain people, etc. Also the fact that people act as though my car was just a car and i shouldnt get upset over it. You dont know how much that truck ment to me. it was, in all reality, and extension of myself. it fit me just perfect and i cant see another truck being like that ever again. it was worth no amount of money to me. someone could have come to me and offered me a million dollars for it and i would have refused because THATS how much it ment to ME. It was like a living thing to me. i may not have detailed it and cleaned it as much as i should have, but thats what gave it that spark. I mean, common! It had 28,000 miles on it when i bought it and it was made in 1986!!! even after the wreck it only had 57,000 miles on it and it was almost 19 years old!!! I have found blazers made in 1999 that have almost 4 times that about of miles on them.
Anyway, my point is, if you're gonna talk shit, you better not let me find out because i'm just not going to talk to you or aknowledge you anymore. you have no right to be an ass to me or about my truck.
TV: bleh
I ♥ DVD's
I take Photos
Anyway, my point is, if you're gonna talk shit, you better not let me find out because i'm just not going to talk to you or aknowledge you anymore. you have no right to be an ass to me or about my truck.
TV: bleh

I ♥ DVD's
I take Photos
At least your wreck wasn't your fault, both of those wrecks were all me.
Anyway, I hope you're not feeling any surprise pain from your wreck, you never know with back pain or spasms.