i heart tatu
It pisses me off when people act like my mom is doing everything for me. I didnt ask her to, she just did. She knows i don't know how to handle this, so shes teaching me so when and if it ever happens again, i know how to get a lawyer, what to say and not say to certain people, etc. Also the fact that...
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one for each side.. and no you didn't miss anything..I just like baby clothes

I know that feeling, I was depressed for months after I wrecked my delta 88, and my mustang. I loved both of those cars, they were ugly but they were mine and I did all the work on them dammit!
At least your wreck wasn't your fault, both of those wrecks were all me.
Anyway, I hope you're not feeling any surprise pain from your wreck, you never know with back pain or spasms.
At least your wreck wasn't your fault, both of those wrecks were all me.
Anyway, I hope you're not feeling any surprise pain from your wreck, you never know with back pain or spasms.
Yesterday, like i said in my last entry, i went to WWU (Western Washington University). I had a really good time aside from trying to find parking. Here are the events that took place (in order):
- Taylor, Emily, Kristina, and I walked around campus looking at hippies and random sculptures for 1.5 hours.
- Kristina bought me a milkshake from the underground coffee shop...
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- Taylor, Emily, Kristina, and I walked around campus looking at hippies and random sculptures for 1.5 hours.
- Kristina bought me a milkshake from the underground coffee shop...
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Tomorrow is Bellingham or bust. I'm going to visit a couple of good friends who are attending Western up there. It'll be fucking grand. Then on sunday i'm driving down to portland to rescue a friend from homelessness. Im so nice.
I have decided what my next tattoo(s) will be. I plan to have them drawn specially for me and they will say mom and...
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I have decided what my next tattoo(s) will be. I plan to have them drawn specially for me and they will say mom and...
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well, by a little bit.. i meant totally. so yes. it is possible. ;P
kewl pic and great advice i shall tryto remember it

Yesterday was my best friend Melissa's 18th birthday. We went to Jessica's and Jessica had made a "cake"out of creampuffs. They were sooo yummy! Then we all went to Izzy's and ate HELLA food. After Izzy's we decided to go to a strip club. We first went to Honeys, but it was $10 admisson and 5 bucks for drinks and you HAD to buy a...
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hehe, myth busters is a great show.

I myself am I a right-leaning libertarian, so I think I see both sides also, but this site is full of rampant extreme leftism. The whole "Bush=Nazi/fascist/theocrat, Democrats =all reasonable, freedom-loving people" thing is ridiculously simplistic, IMO.
Do you remember Joey's set, called "Republican"? I've never seen so many rabid, unprovoked attacks on someone, and just because she didn't fall into the leftist lockstep that prevails on this site.
So what guns do you have/like/want?
So far I only have a Glock17 And yeah, I couldn't live without computers. 
Do you remember Joey's set, called "Republican"? I've never seen so many rabid, unprovoked attacks on someone, and just because she didn't fall into the leftist lockstep that prevails on this site.
So what guns do you have/like/want?

Shit. Tomorrow is my best friend's birthday. She's FINALLY turning 18. Wahoo! I saw the Corpse Bride today. It was really neat; the music in it is so lovely. Ugh. Whats with all the new girls lately? I mean, yeah more power to them, get naked, whatever. But honestly, being back the original girls because they are my favorites. Man, I remember when SG journal...
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yes very satisfactory. what's kinda funny about this new girl thing is this. All the girls on my favorites list are considered relatively classic SGs or at least no longer new, and I have gone on record to say that Im not too fond of there being so many new girls either, yet all the girls on my favorites list were "new girls" when I added them to my favorites list. Is that a little hipocritical of me. who knows.
Do people think before they do things?
Music: random
I ♥ DVD's
I take Photos
Music: random

I ♥ DVD's
I take Photos
So anyway, how's your back doing since the wreck, I know you had to go back to the doc to see what was up, just curious to see if you're doing better.