Got me a new job in security!
Just needed to shout that out. Been a very hectic couple of months, but now I'm finally working again. New collegues are actually kinda epic... I sorta walk between tanks (with tanks being really muscular guys with a bad sense of humor) and I'm responcible for keeping the peace and quiet between people who have no home, no...
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Just needed to shout that out. Been a very hectic couple of months, but now I'm finally working again. New collegues are actually kinda epic... I sorta walk between tanks (with tanks being really muscular guys with a bad sense of humor) and I'm responcible for keeping the peace and quiet between people who have no home, no...
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muacks !!!! :*
aw thanks! I worry that I'm boring haha
Sunday morning! Which is weird, because I normally never see sunday mornings :p
Anyways, yesterday was pretty good. My daughter got Pokepark 2 from my mother, so we spent most of the day playing that. Kind of a weird game actually if you really start thinking about it. You meet Pokemon who are strangers at first, but after you beat them up, they will be...
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Anyways, yesterday was pretty good. My daughter got Pokepark 2 from my mother, so we spent most of the day playing that. Kind of a weird game actually if you really start thinking about it. You meet Pokemon who are strangers at first, but after you beat them up, they will be...
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I made a mistake.
An enormous mistake.
Mistake the size of my bank account.
I introduced my daughter and my girlfriend to Magic the Gathering.
Which ended up in them loving it, playing until 2 in the morning, and just swapping cards all over the place. Now I'm buried chin-deep in old Magic cards, and actually having a blast. I decided to drag my old...
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An enormous mistake.
Mistake the size of my bank account.
I introduced my daughter and my girlfriend to Magic the Gathering.
Which ended up in them loving it, playing until 2 in the morning, and just swapping cards all over the place. Now I'm buried chin-deep in old Magic cards, and actually having a blast. I decided to drag my old...
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Aww, thank you! 

for some reason, the two entities tend to stay separate, delicately peeling away my sanity on their own schedule
Just finished Mass Effect 2 in time to wait one and a half month for Mass Effect 3. Maybe I should just play it again as an evil bitch or a goody biotic.
And why am I talking about ME on a website full of beautiful people?
And why am I talking about ME on a website full of beautiful people?
How are you love?
I recognized your profile picture from Facebook, good to know I'm not the only one from my friendlist with exquisite taste 

Decided it is time for an afternoon off. Hello Mass Effect 2 and all the DLC's!
Thanks for the love! 

Well, life is getting back to normal again. Got myself a decent income, and things with my girlfriend are going very good. Which is amazing after almost seven months. Usually it ends before it reaches six
Anyway, now that I'm getting a decent income, I'll be trying to find myself a house.
And my daughter is addicted to Diablo 2 :p

Anyway, now that I'm getting a decent income, I'll be trying to find myself a house.
And my daughter is addicted to Diablo 2 :p
Well, the new year has been good so far... no global conflagration yet,m and I'm actually working near-fulltime again.
Time to look for a house
Time to look for a house

Your wonderland comment was so sweet! Thank-you!
You're welcome beautiful 

Well, that was a good weekend!
Went to visit some old friends on friday, and came to realize everybody is getting old. By the time it was 11 o'clock, both my friends were jawning. So I figured I leave them alone, and find someone else to hang out with. I text my best friend, who says he's in town in a bar on a birthday...
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Went to visit some old friends on friday, and came to realize everybody is getting old. By the time it was 11 o'clock, both my friends were jawning. So I figured I leave them alone, and find someone else to hang out with. I text my best friend, who says he's in town in a bar on a birthday...
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I think in my last blog I said I should blog more often. The result; no blogs for the entirety of september. The reason? Too damn busy with finding a new job, hooking up with old friends, travelling way too much across the entire country and spending as much time with my girlfriend as possible.
I also said I needed to get my cam and...
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I also said I needed to get my cam and...
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aww don't worry dear and thank you a lot *hug* and for the love in your blog you are so sweet 

I'm not worried that much... just taking it a day at a time!
And you deserve it! *hugs* back!
And you deserve it! *hugs* back!

Lost my job.
On purpose.
Completely irresponcible I decided not to go anymore. My girlfriend moved to her new home last sunday, with the help of her brother and me. And instead of leaving on sunday evening to go back to Almelo, and to work on monday, I decided to stay. Not just because Char needed me to be there, but also simply because I...
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On purpose.
Completely irresponcible I decided not to go anymore. My girlfriend moved to her new home last sunday, with the help of her brother and me. And instead of leaving on sunday evening to go back to Almelo, and to work on monday, I decided to stay. Not just because Char needed me to be there, but also simply because I...
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best of luck tou you my dear!
Man, more than a month since I blogged last time, but I've been very busy. Currently running all over the Netherlands (and some part of Germany) to do some festivals as a part of a living museum. Still need to work on my outfit some more as it seems to plain and boring. But first I need to fix myself a good piece of rope...
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"Nah man, it's cool. You don't have to work on saturday."
Six hours later...
"Dude, can you come in tomorrow? We really need it!"
There goes my weekend.
Six hours later...
"Dude, can you come in tomorrow? We really need it!"
There goes my weekend.
this really sucks i know

that sucks i signed my weekend up for this OMEGA VECTOR which has a cult feeling to it which i wont eat or drink anything there lmfao.....but who know...this blog makes me think about officespace!!!!!
thanks for enjoying my set (someones gotta get a little wet) xoxoxo
thanks for enjoying my set (someones gotta get a little wet) xoxoxo