Every now and then I get this really big urge to pick up my sword again and start training. There's seriously just something that attracts me much more to sword work than any other type of martial art. The mindset, the fluidity, economy of movement, it all just merges so well together. Anyway so I was digging around on the interwebs and found out that there is 1 sensei that teaches the 1 school of kenjitsu i adore in South Africa. Been trying to track him down ever since. Wish me luck!
In other news I've been back at work for 2 days, and I'm already planning my next holiday
Work might suck on the odd occasion but having $$ sure as fuck rocks. Wanna go visit my best friend in his little corner of the world with his little girlfriend <3 Eddie Izzard has also stolen a fair chunk of my new tattoo money so that will probably take a back seat for a bit.
P.S. 1 month till Wolfman!
In other news I've been back at work for 2 days, and I'm already planning my next holiday

P.S. 1 month till Wolfman!
And yay for holiday