Well- my dayjob has been suckin big time! I have to work more hours now which I'm not happy about. Grrr. My schedule has been hard to work out lately and it's pretty frustrating!
On a happy note, I'm gonna get to play this weekend! YAY! There is a new club opening up in Hollywood ( Hollywood and Vine) called the Fetish Bar I'm very excited! It's going to be Sunday nights starting at 9:00pm and it's a really neat club. All the performances will be female for the most part, so if any lovely ladies in the area are interested-hehe. lemme know!
I'll also be at the Dungeon- so I'm bound to have a good weekend!
Here's a pic from this past Saturday with the very beautiful and submissive Holly:
On a happy note, I'm gonna get to play this weekend! YAY! There is a new club opening up in Hollywood ( Hollywood and Vine) called the Fetish Bar I'm very excited! It's going to be Sunday nights starting at 9:00pm and it's a really neat club. All the performances will be female for the most part, so if any lovely ladies in the area are interested-hehe. lemme know!
I'll also be at the Dungeon- so I'm bound to have a good weekend!
Here's a pic from this past Saturday with the very beautiful and submissive Holly:

Awesome to hear about the new club--does that mean we'll be getting twice the photos from now on
Sucks about the job, but hey, it's winter break, and that means everything is better than before!