Oh No! Co-Eds!
Movies seen recently:
Skinned Deep - a true piece of art. and like good art, not that abstract shit. highest rankings!
Vampires: The Turning - Not to bad, but not exception either. Once you get past the main characters annoying girlfriend, you can appreciate the.....ugh.......motorcycles....or something....maybe it wasn't so great.....
Frankenfish - another excellent piece of cinema. An unexpected winner. "Bet you didn't expect me to eat your heart! Did you, Fucker!?"
Sasquach Hunters - Eh, not all that great but it gives us some good quotes and will sound hilarious while describing it to other people.
Chupacabra Terror - not too bad at all. and starring ghimli from lord of the rings. when will those crazy people learn to stop bringing mythical beasts onto luxiory cruises?
666 Demon Child - Um......i dont really know what to say......except AWESOME. i have no idea what happened with all the demon swords and viking chinese indians with undead cows and stuff.....but i was quite entertained.
Monster Man - This movie was so sweet. Started off kinda slow and had a complete lack of awesome characters like Richardo from Frankenfish, Tough Guy Dan from Sasquatch Hunters, or Bulky from 666 Demon Child, but by the end, i was just like, "sweet. that was pretty sweet."
Creature Unknown - You think you have the "big suprise" ending figured out four minutes into the movie.....and your right. But wait, there is something else! a second twist that is imposible to predict becasue they never gave you the right information. Still enjoyable though.
Asylum of the Damned - kinda dull. it wasn't that bad in comparison to some movies i've seen, but keep in mind, I have seen a lot of movies.....and from this list, you know a lot of them were REALLY bad.
Vampires vs. Zombies - This movie was horrible. Its only redeeming value was the introduction of a sweet character known only as "The General" who will stop in the middle of a fight with a vampire to smoke a cigare with his back turned to her and later screem feebly as he swings an axe. He can also punch out vampire teetch with just one blow. Important Note: there are only two zombies in this movie and even then, they are just guys that wonder out into the road and are instantly hit by passing cars.
the eliminator - not a bad low budget horror movie but with a sweet plot none the less. Some dude is put on an island in a Series 7-like game show to kill everyone else.
ancient evil 2 - a mummy goes to new england and beats up some college kids.
Misquitoman - pretty much describes itself, i think.
Shadows of the Dead - Two people have to stay in a cabin and kill other people to stay alive because they are zombies or something. honestly i didn't look at this one too long.
Dark Heaven - some kind of crazy devil world
Dark Hunters - the box next to dark heaven in the video store. i dont remember what its about, some manner of hunters i guess.
Black Cadillac - the TRUE story of a group of college kids getting killed by a demon car in the mountains. ALL TRUE!
alright, this list will be updated as it progresses. other titles ive seen recently, but not in the last two days: dracula 3000 (because in space....there can be no daylight), boa vs. python (because when the city is threatened by a giant snake, the only choice is to release another one to combat it) and......whatever.....a countless list that i am tired of listing.
Movies seen recently:
Skinned Deep - a true piece of art. and like good art, not that abstract shit. highest rankings!
Vampires: The Turning - Not to bad, but not exception either. Once you get past the main characters annoying girlfriend, you can appreciate the.....ugh.......motorcycles....or something....maybe it wasn't so great.....
Frankenfish - another excellent piece of cinema. An unexpected winner. "Bet you didn't expect me to eat your heart! Did you, Fucker!?"
Sasquach Hunters - Eh, not all that great but it gives us some good quotes and will sound hilarious while describing it to other people.
Chupacabra Terror - not too bad at all. and starring ghimli from lord of the rings. when will those crazy people learn to stop bringing mythical beasts onto luxiory cruises?
666 Demon Child - Um......i dont really know what to say......except AWESOME. i have no idea what happened with all the demon swords and viking chinese indians with undead cows and stuff.....but i was quite entertained.
Monster Man - This movie was so sweet. Started off kinda slow and had a complete lack of awesome characters like Richardo from Frankenfish, Tough Guy Dan from Sasquatch Hunters, or Bulky from 666 Demon Child, but by the end, i was just like, "sweet. that was pretty sweet."
Creature Unknown - You think you have the "big suprise" ending figured out four minutes into the movie.....and your right. But wait, there is something else! a second twist that is imposible to predict becasue they never gave you the right information. Still enjoyable though.
Asylum of the Damned - kinda dull. it wasn't that bad in comparison to some movies i've seen, but keep in mind, I have seen a lot of movies.....and from this list, you know a lot of them were REALLY bad.
Vampires vs. Zombies - This movie was horrible. Its only redeeming value was the introduction of a sweet character known only as "The General" who will stop in the middle of a fight with a vampire to smoke a cigare with his back turned to her and later screem feebly as he swings an axe. He can also punch out vampire teetch with just one blow. Important Note: there are only two zombies in this movie and even then, they are just guys that wonder out into the road and are instantly hit by passing cars.
the eliminator - not a bad low budget horror movie but with a sweet plot none the less. Some dude is put on an island in a Series 7-like game show to kill everyone else.
ancient evil 2 - a mummy goes to new england and beats up some college kids.
Misquitoman - pretty much describes itself, i think.
Shadows of the Dead - Two people have to stay in a cabin and kill other people to stay alive because they are zombies or something. honestly i didn't look at this one too long.
Dark Heaven - some kind of crazy devil world
Dark Hunters - the box next to dark heaven in the video store. i dont remember what its about, some manner of hunters i guess.
Black Cadillac - the TRUE story of a group of college kids getting killed by a demon car in the mountains. ALL TRUE!
alright, this list will be updated as it progresses. other titles ive seen recently, but not in the last two days: dracula 3000 (because in space....there can be no daylight), boa vs. python (because when the city is threatened by a giant snake, the only choice is to release another one to combat it) and......whatever.....a countless list that i am tired of listing.
Thank you for the birthday wish