I am so very jealous of Erica. She is one of the most beautiful people I have ever met. She is physically as well as spiritually wonderful. Erica has the most beautiful body, curly hair, intense green eyes, and Angelina Jolie lips. She also is an amazingly smart girl who is also kind and has a lot of friends that are GOOD friends. She makes strong connections with them, whereas, I used to, and currently have great difficulty doing. I want to make a similar connection with her, but I run away. I don't know why. I think I have not had the best luck with best friends and such in the past. I am always reluctant to become close to people. I feel like I will never have an intimate friend other than Mike. I remember what it used to be like to have Sade, and Liz .. I miss that
Yea I usually dont have a close friend either they come and go.The truth is most people you get close to leave or fuck you over but it takes time to know whos your real friends and then you can get closer. Feel better

Hang in there girl, good people always get what they deserve, even if it takes a little time. See you back at Purchase