Yipppeee....just got my debate in my Gender class over with...We didn't win, but there was a tie at first, and there were people who didn't vote... grrr So she made the class ask questions to the two teams and then the second time around the other team won.. I don't know why. The debate was on whether gender is socially constructed. I was on the pro-social construction team... I truly agree with everything I said since GENDER by definition has to do with social expectations. People just interchanged SEX with GENDER and they just don't get that there is a HUGE different.
Enough ranting and rambling. Mike is the sweetest thing. He told me last night to set my alarm for 7 AM and make sure there was room in the fridge because he was coming. So about 6:45 I woke up and called his cell... When he got here I was expecting breakfast or something little and cute like that, but he had made me a cake in a Popple shaped pan! It was the sweetest thing ever. He even too those colored frosting attachment thingies and drew hair and ears and eyes on it... so cute...things like this explain why I love him so much
Enough ranting and rambling. Mike is the sweetest thing. He told me last night to set my alarm for 7 AM and make sure there was room in the fridge because he was coming. So about 6:45 I woke up and called his cell... When he got here I was expecting breakfast or something little and cute like that, but he had made me a cake in a Popple shaped pan! It was the sweetest thing ever. He even too those colored frosting attachment thingies and drew hair and ears and eyes on it... so cute...things like this explain why I love him so much

and cake is always good.
the correct answer is socially constructed.