32 Days to go. My last day of school will be September 1, 2005. Until then I'm going to be a mass of nerves trying to finish all my projects and hoping everything comes out alright.
Now I've come to an impass: In four wweks time I'll have spent three years in school and gotten my Associate's Degree in Commercial Photography. Now I'm thinking, should I go back and get my B.F.A in Photography? Should I continue on in school and build up my credentials or should I try and fight my way into a job in my field? I have projects in mind for books, but I need to get sponsorships, and/or grants to complete them, as I do not have the money to do it right now. Do I fight harder to get the grants with my Associate's or do I go to school again and get my Bachelor's and gain more notoriety before trying to break into that kind of work? My Professors all want to see me get my Bachelor's, I think it's because they'd like to see me teaching. My family, when I mentioned it, looked at me like I had three heads.
My Grandparents had no formal college education.
My Uncle has a Bachelor's degree in Vocal Performance
My Mother has a Bachelor's degree in Television Production/Design.
My Father: I remember he went to college but I don't remember what for...I knew he was a mechanic, and a firefighter...
My Sister dropped out of college while working on her music degree and became a wife and mother.
None of them work in the fields that they trained for, which could be why they view my plans to return to school as insane, the other being that right now I'm staring down the business end of 30,000 in student loan repayments, and I'm planning on going back to school. I'd almost have to be nuts wouldn't I?
I think I want to be nuts. If nothing else I'd be able to get a job teaching. Steady pay, possibly tuition reimbursement if I get into the right school, and even more so, the probability that I'd be able to go back for my Master's if I so chose.
Who knows...
Now I've come to an impass: In four wweks time I'll have spent three years in school and gotten my Associate's Degree in Commercial Photography. Now I'm thinking, should I go back and get my B.F.A in Photography? Should I continue on in school and build up my credentials or should I try and fight my way into a job in my field? I have projects in mind for books, but I need to get sponsorships, and/or grants to complete them, as I do not have the money to do it right now. Do I fight harder to get the grants with my Associate's or do I go to school again and get my Bachelor's and gain more notoriety before trying to break into that kind of work? My Professors all want to see me get my Bachelor's, I think it's because they'd like to see me teaching. My family, when I mentioned it, looked at me like I had three heads.
My Grandparents had no formal college education.
My Uncle has a Bachelor's degree in Vocal Performance
My Mother has a Bachelor's degree in Television Production/Design.
My Father: I remember he went to college but I don't remember what for...I knew he was a mechanic, and a firefighter...
My Sister dropped out of college while working on her music degree and became a wife and mother.
None of them work in the fields that they trained for, which could be why they view my plans to return to school as insane, the other being that right now I'm staring down the business end of 30,000 in student loan repayments, and I'm planning on going back to school. I'd almost have to be nuts wouldn't I?
I think I want to be nuts. If nothing else I'd be able to get a job teaching. Steady pay, possibly tuition reimbursement if I get into the right school, and even more so, the probability that I'd be able to go back for my Master's if I so chose.
Who knows...