ok today i was driving down the road, and i was thinking about the fact that if i get famous (with my singing) i wont make any money unless i make my own songs........so i just started singing random nonsensical things, until something i said and how i sang it made PERFECT sense. i kept singing that once verse until i got home, and soon after that I HAD CREATED A SONG!!!!!!!!
its called "REAL" (work in progress) (ITS ACTUAL TITLE, for now) i put in a bunch of words, but i need to make sure that they sound right, and that i am not singing the words the same way each time, maybe someday i can actually record it!!!!!!!!
its called "REAL" (work in progress) (ITS ACTUAL TITLE, for now) i put in a bunch of words, but i need to make sure that they sound right, and that i am not singing the words the same way each time, maybe someday i can actually record it!!!!!!!!

would u like to crash on a couch n pay a little towards rent? me n skinny girl r inqiuring about getting a 2 bedroom apartment n i know u r desperate to get out of your house as well.
think it over n let me know.