ok, so, whats happening in the news. Hurricane, hurricane, famine, despair, American Refugees, hurricane, Katrinas a bitch.......oh yeah and my feet hurt from work. other than that, im bored as fuck. got some dick last night, mmm mmm boy. actually 2 of them, went over to a friends house.....and by friend i mean lover, and by lover i mean *growl*..........was sucking him and then all of a sudden one of his male friends comes out of the closet......stroking a very thick piece of dick........so i did what every red-blooded american male does with two penii in their face......serviced them both........fun was had by all. names: Steve & Mike. both black, both delicious.
(n yes i know this is suppose to be in u're journal, i'm just too tired to care right now)