Yes, i know that it has been a long ass time since i updated. I have been working really hard as head-cashier, and really have been getting my ass kicked. Sometimes its nice and easy, and the day goes by just like any other.......other times 3 people call out and there is only me and one other person (who is a back-up) for the night. Sometimes i get a really nice break, and they stick me with some of the coolest people (under me that is) other times they put me with EXTREME dullard old people.
But then again, i did get that raise, and that does work for isnt everything (that is until u finally get more.....) Still on my quest to find someone, and it seems like i finally felt that "spark" with someone. This girl......yes i said girl.......seems like she is flirting with me at work (not the other one that wanted to fuck me right on the sales floor, shes annoying and old news). Her name is Janet, and shes latina..........not sure if i ever told anyone this, but im into latinos Y latinas. but its whatever, Janet and I talk every now and then because she works for the company that stocks our Garden Dept. with flowers and plants and shit like that. We smile at each other EVERY time we meet, and the other day i was tired of not knowing her name, so i struck up a conversation with her.........and..........though short, it was nice.
wouldnt say that im in love, its too early for that, just either made a new friend or somethin more.........who knows.........
DA VINCI CODE 1 MONTH AWAY.........omg, omg, OMG!!!
But then again, i did get that raise, and that does work for isnt everything (that is until u finally get more.....) Still on my quest to find someone, and it seems like i finally felt that "spark" with someone. This girl......yes i said girl.......seems like she is flirting with me at work (not the other one that wanted to fuck me right on the sales floor, shes annoying and old news). Her name is Janet, and shes latina..........not sure if i ever told anyone this, but im into latinos Y latinas. but its whatever, Janet and I talk every now and then because she works for the company that stocks our Garden Dept. with flowers and plants and shit like that. We smile at each other EVERY time we meet, and the other day i was tired of not knowing her name, so i struck up a conversation with her.........and..........though short, it was nice.
wouldnt say that im in love, its too early for that, just either made a new friend or somethin more.........who knows.........

DA VINCI CODE 1 MONTH AWAY.........omg, omg, OMG!!!

otherwise, have fun.