Been a strong minute since I've been on here. Made the move from Jersey to Detroit, that wa an interesting drive that could have been 10 hours and ended up being almost 12. It rained the entire way then somewhere near Hudson, OH an 18 wheeler had a tire blowout and almost side swiped me into the dividing barrier at 80 mph. Once I got to Michigan it didn't get any better. I thought I had finally gotten away from Guidos and Guidettes for good when a big SUV with Jersey plates cuts me off and almost hits my front right wheel. I got pissed and pulled up alongside and who is it? A FUCKING Guidette yammering on her cellphone. I leave Jersey behind and almost get taken out by the same peole I had problems with the last place I lived. Does the fun end there? Nope! I get into Detroit and my GPS takes a massive shit and decides it wants to fuck with me too. Suddenly it's telling me I need to cross this thing call the Ambassador Bridge. Not knowing what that is, by the way it's the bridge from Detroit to Cananda, I go OK and pull into this fenced off security area and finally I figure out what's up, luckily they let me out without having to make a nice side trip up to our northern cousins. So they let me out into downtown Detroit and I swear to God that this city has GPS jammers or some shit because mine couldn't make up it's mind where the fuck I was. I stupidly decide that I shall go old school and find my own way. . .bad idea. I don't know how, but I ended up somewhere between 8 mile and 9 mile after dusk and that shit was interesting. I thought I was back in Iraq for a while, I start hearing gunshots and there was even a house on fire, by the way what is with the Detroit passtime of burning shit down? I start slowing down for a stop sign and this cop rolls down his window and frantically waved me through without leaving his own car, yep that sealed my previous theory that I was definitely in a bad neighborhood. This cop catches up to me about two blocks down, I think it was the same one, he pulled up alongside and just goes, "Your lost ain't ya?" Yes sir, I might as well be on the moon. He then guided me to Van Dyke and managed to find my way home from there. Definitely not the best first impression of my new city.
I'll post some of my pics soon.
I'll post some of my pics soon.