Freedom is so close I can almost taste it. I have two weeks of work left and then two weeks of clearing, then I am on 31 days of leave. June 16 my contract will end and I will officially be out of the Army. Group of friends and I are renting a house on Lake Erie this summer and one of the guys is going to bring out his boat and jet skis.
Some pics from Spring Break '11
You puke first we get to make you wear whatever the fuck we want. Lesson: Don't puke.
One of the guys got drunk the first night and forgot where we lived so we had these shirts made.
I got black-out drunk one night and evidently the guys coerced me into playing guitar and singing on stage at the bar we were at, I'll post the video if I can get my hands on it.
Some pics from Spring Break '11

You puke first we get to make you wear whatever the fuck we want. Lesson: Don't puke.

One of the guys got drunk the first night and forgot where we lived so we had these shirts made.

I got black-out drunk one night and evidently the guys coerced me into playing guitar and singing on stage at the bar we were at, I'll post the video if I can get my hands on it.
Looks like mad fun....altought the dude in the speedo is quite scary!!! Haha.