The trip to Philly was awesome! Picked up the guys in NY then it took us two hours to get to Philly. By the time we got there the three guys riding with me had already polished off a 24 pack of Coors Light and half a bottle of Jack. Got to our hotel and things went downhill. I remember about three games of beer pong, a game of thumper, and starting Edward Forty-Hands. Woke up the next morning with the front door duct taped shut, Trent sleeping in full dress uniform in the tub, Jeff curled up in the fetal position on top of the TV stand, and this monument built to honor the Gods of drunken stupidity.
that is about 100 cans of Coors Light, a bottle of vodka, and a bottle of Jack.
We woke up at about 0840 and had to rush to get to the game cause they had to be there by 0900. It was cold as balls out, but luckily I had been invited to the game as a guest of one of my friends Dads who is in charge of Bank of Americas' South American relations so we got to sit in the Bank of Americas'' suite.
The menu of what they fed us.
The Corp of Cadets marching on the field.
After the expected loss to Navy we rolled back to the hotel and continued where we had left off the night before.
The hotel, we had a suite on the top floor.
I have no pictures of the aftermath of that night cause I left my camera in the car.
Getting packed the morning after and the trip back.
Trip back kinda sucked because I got ran of the road by some asshole in a minivan. rammed my front left tire into the dividing barrier on the highway. I'm hoping it only screwed up my alignment because I can fix that myself, but if it's a problem with the axle I'm fucked. By the way the asshole took off. It's always fun changing a tire on the side of a highway while it is snowing and your half-drunk friends are trying to move traffic over by playing in the highway, one almost got nailed by a semi truck.
All I can say is thank God I never get hangovers cause the other guys were hurting both mornings. Their faces looked like a mixture of
Which equates to death warmed over.

that is about 100 cans of Coors Light, a bottle of vodka, and a bottle of Jack.
We woke up at about 0840 and had to rush to get to the game cause they had to be there by 0900. It was cold as balls out, but luckily I had been invited to the game as a guest of one of my friends Dads who is in charge of Bank of Americas' South American relations so we got to sit in the Bank of Americas'' suite.

The menu of what they fed us.

The Corp of Cadets marching on the field.

After the expected loss to Navy we rolled back to the hotel and continued where we had left off the night before.
The hotel, we had a suite on the top floor.

I have no pictures of the aftermath of that night cause I left my camera in the car.
Getting packed the morning after and the trip back.

Trip back kinda sucked because I got ran of the road by some asshole in a minivan. rammed my front left tire into the dividing barrier on the highway. I'm hoping it only screwed up my alignment because I can fix that myself, but if it's a problem with the axle I'm fucked. By the way the asshole took off. It's always fun changing a tire on the side of a highway while it is snowing and your half-drunk friends are trying to move traffic over by playing in the highway, one almost got nailed by a semi truck.
All I can say is thank God I never get hangovers cause the other guys were hurting both mornings. Their faces looked like a mixture of

And I'm kind of excited about the New York thing! Yay.