I finally was assigned a task that I will enjoy. The British Army Football team is going to be staying on our base for a few weeks and I was assigned as their liaison. The sergeant that gave me the assignment almost got punched in the mouth because he told me I was the best man for the job because I was from the same place; I'm from Ireland they are from fucking England! Why can't most Americans understand that it is not the same thing? At least I now get to spend all day playing football with people who can actually play. Also I'm getting a three day weekend and I'm going to chill in NYC with a bunch of my friends I haven't seen for months. NYC nightlife beware the Ironhawk Hooligans are coming!
More Blogs
Wednesday Mar 02, 2011
Bunch of good shit has been happening the last couple of days. First… -
Monday Feb 14, 2011
Read More -
Wednesday Feb 09, 2011
Last two weeks have been fucking crammed! The sergeant in charge of t… -
Thursday Jan 20, 2011
Finally getting back in to shape and I feel dead on my feet. I put on… -
Thursday Jan 13, 2011
Finally finished the deployment video that I have been working on for… -
Monday Jan 10, 2011
I put together a video for my Dad for his 53rd birthday. Didn't know … -
Saturday Jan 08, 2011
Fucking tore my stitches open. Had a flashback while I was half asle… -
Wednesday Jan 05, 2011
First time going out since I was back in Jersey and I ended up in the… -
Tuesday Dec 14, 2010
The trip to Philly was awesome! Picked up the guys in NY then it took…
i will never say anything bad about coffee again
Thank you again