i wonder if moose get pissed off if they shit on themselves. think about it, your walking through the woods and you got to take a shit so you pop a squat and squeeze out a duece... well i imagine moose don't squat, and may even continue walking. i wonder if in moose language they are all "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! I just bathed in the...
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Wow... I think that the moose doesn't really care about what other people think. Just saying.
it's been months since my last post, fraking months. speaking of fraking, i have yet to catch the series finale of Battlestar... i hear bad things. i wish future me would write to present me and tell me all the things i need to know not to do... that's it. one wierd thought, think I'll have an "odd thought of the day" post daily... try...
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Hello all. the massage biz has been going pretty well for me lately. Getting new regular clients and old regular clients coming in and it's rekindled my love of massage all over again.
well I got a table recently (finally right!?) and I am prepared to offer my services to you, your friends, your family, anyone and everyone (except for wierdos...) so for all of...
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well I got a table recently (finally right!?) and I am prepared to offer my services to you, your friends, your family, anyone and everyone (except for wierdos...) so for all of...
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I would have danced on the sun...
I've come to a point where i think my passions may actually be inturrupting my life. what do i mean by that you may ask. a fair question, let me elaborate.
I have many varied interest ranging from Astronomy, philosophy, music, massage therapy and law... the conundrum is how do i determine which takes precident over the other....
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I've come to a point where i think my passions may actually be inturrupting my life. what do i mean by that you may ask. a fair question, let me elaborate.
I have many varied interest ranging from Astronomy, philosophy, music, massage therapy and law... the conundrum is how do i determine which takes precident over the other....
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It's catchy as fuck right?!
has anybody seen, my old friend gary gygax. can you tell me where he's gone? I just turned around he's gone...
Dungeonsand Dragons co-creator Gary Gygax died Tuesday morning at age 69 as a level 1,000,000 everything.
He helped make the world a more creative, and fun place. rest in peace, and it was... (rolls dice) nice knowing you.
Dungeonsand Dragons co-creator Gary Gygax died Tuesday morning at age 69 as a level 1,000,000 everything.
He helped make the world a more creative, and fun place. rest in peace, and it was... (rolls dice) nice knowing you.
oh my god.. silva took him out in 36 (?) seconds. It was pretty rad to watch hahah- and yup, you called it.. Tito's fight was just plain dull... and again, you said it best hahahah... Sean's theory of just fielding punches with his face, didn't seem to pan out for him. hahah it was all pretty damn satisfying though..

I work with a guy that went to school with Gary and played with him when he created the game. He says Gary was a controlling ass-hole. But then, who else would create a game where you got to be god 
I miss him too.
Oh yea, and Magic was fun, as well as the beer. Must be done again sometime.

I miss him too.
Oh yea, and Magic was fun, as well as the beer. Must be done again sometime.
life as it is lately is in a state of... a state of... well shit, that about sums it up, a state of nothing really, things aren't bad, but things aren't great. have my shit in line finally, but there still seems to be this cloud over my head. this dread that i can't shake and the only thing i can think is "it's the...
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Your "FOREIGN FISH" made me laugh 

no really its not
Thank you! xo
to the asshole on the street...
so today i did a kinda foolish thing. i ran out of gas. i knew i was getting low, but decided to push it, i was a few blocks from the gas station, which is in turn a few blocks from my house, i was almost there man. but still i should have stopped and got gas sooner, i...
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so today i did a kinda foolish thing. i ran out of gas. i knew i was getting low, but decided to push it, i was a few blocks from the gas station, which is in turn a few blocks from my house, i was almost there man. but still i should have stopped and got gas sooner, i...
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i never dug hip hop. never liked that many drugs. never smoked cigarettes to be cool. never dipped. never did a lot of things... where the hell am I going with this. Taking an astronomy class. people say that the ocean makes them feel small... That may have been the case... once. but the world is interconnected now. through the internet, ships, planes, etc. i...
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This is my first blog, so i guess if you are reading this you were intrigued by the beard. I can't blame you, it intrigues me too, and that is the whole reason i had it. yes I used the past tense, it is sadly no more, but i have remnants of it in the form of a goatee and some fucking sick chops! so...
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