brian went for an interview the other day.
to go on a course to train as a plumber...and then the company he went for the interview with would baisically give the opportunites of work, by sending you to different companies etc.
he got accepted.
no all we need to do is fine the 4500 fee.
to go on a course to train as a plumber...and then the company he went for the interview with would baisically give the opportunites of work, by sending you to different companies etc.
he got accepted.
no all we need to do is fine the 4500 fee.

Wow, 4,500 is a ridiculous amount of money love, is there no other way he can do it? Surely with him being out of work you're entitled to some form of free training etc.?
It doesn't matter which way you turn in this bloody country, they fucking shaft us all right up the arse in front of everyone, it's a fucking disgrace!! xx
That sucks about the huge fee, do they not have any kind of subsidy thing? I know that here the government cant pay for re-training if you're unemployed. Hopefully you can get the money or arrange a payment plan - something so he can go do the course.