honestly....im disgusted right now.
jade goody, who might be annoying to some people....but personally...theres nothing wrong with her, well she has been told that she is dying from the cancer that has spread throughout her body. she is only 27 years old, just a year older than me, and has to young children.....i cant even imagine....i just cant imagine.
so i looked in the groups on facebook, for any support for jade...i was gonna join one. but what did i find???
to say this makes me sick is an understatement....even if you dont like her....come on....how does she deserve to be told at 27 that shes gonna die in a matter of months. what about her children? they are gonna lose the mother they love so much. and these people are treating like some sort of success story!!!!
i tell you....my faith in the human race is dwindling away.....so very fast.
how do they sleep at night?
i mean for them to be genuinly happy that she is going to die, thats really quite disturbing, they should all be sectioned under the mental health act. but then......they dont deserve treatment.
im fuming right now.
im genuinly very sad for jade....i liked her from the start when she was in big brother...bit annoying at times....but totally harmless and at times very very funny, even though she didnt know it.
what she has done for herself and her children is comandable, she has built a good life for her children. what is so fucking wrong with that? so shes not very good at geography....but so what? she makes fun of herself for it...so why cant people lighten up and just see that she is a human being?
the thought of having to leave my louis behind....well to be honest i cant even think about it...it just gets me far to upset. and she actually has to face that....thats her actual reality.
the people who are a part of this group must make their parents so incredibly proud.
jade goody, who might be annoying to some people....but personally...theres nothing wrong with her, well she has been told that she is dying from the cancer that has spread throughout her body. she is only 27 years old, just a year older than me, and has to young children.....i cant even imagine....i just cant imagine.
so i looked in the groups on facebook, for any support for jade...i was gonna join one. but what did i find???
to say this makes me sick is an understatement....even if you dont like her....come on....how does she deserve to be told at 27 that shes gonna die in a matter of months. what about her children? they are gonna lose the mother they love so much. and these people are treating like some sort of success story!!!!
i tell you....my faith in the human race is dwindling away.....so very fast.
how do they sleep at night?
i mean for them to be genuinly happy that she is going to die, thats really quite disturbing, they should all be sectioned under the mental health act. but then......they dont deserve treatment.
im fuming right now.
im genuinly very sad for jade....i liked her from the start when she was in big brother...bit annoying at times....but totally harmless and at times very very funny, even though she didnt know it.
what she has done for herself and her children is comandable, she has built a good life for her children. what is so fucking wrong with that? so shes not very good at geography....but so what? she makes fun of herself for it...so why cant people lighten up and just see that she is a human being?
the thought of having to leave my louis behind....well to be honest i cant even think about it...it just gets me far to upset. and she actually has to face that....thats her actual reality.
the people who are a part of this group must make their parents so incredibly proud.

That makes me pretty sick to, I gave them a little comment, what is this world coming to.