so its christmas eve....hard to think that this time 2 years ago i was pregnant and thinking about the future.....
....that future dissapeared in the evening of christmas day. 2 years ago tommorow.
i have a different future now......thats not so say i dont still think about the previous one, with all the what ifs....because i do.
its not very merry for me wont be untill it has to be...and louis understands christmas. even then....i wont forget.
but anyway.....have this
special messege to emma
....that future dissapeared in the evening of christmas day. 2 years ago tommorow.
i have a different future now......thats not so say i dont still think about the previous one, with all the what ifs....because i do.
its not very merry for me wont be untill it has to be...and louis understands christmas. even then....i wont forget.
but anyway.....have this

special messege to emma
to everyone else.....i hope you have a good one
I think you're beautiful 

You should never forget and I know you wont, but at the same time you should be happy, I'm sure your little angel is watching over you trying to help you heal. I hope your Christmas was as good as it could be considering everything.