first off...thanks for the messeges of support,they mean the earth to me and really help me when im feeling like shit.
for trying ot build myself back up again....ive done it before....i can do it again.
in other so upset and gutted because morrissey is playing a couple of nights at manchester apollo, its one of my fave venues for shows....and i found out by typing in morrissey into ticketline.....only to see that they are sold out.
i know it sounds corny...but i needed to see him. its been awhile and i have been missing him like crazy. he has a very special place in my heart not just for his music but for who he is, and im really pissed off that the fanclub never emailed me to let me know they were going on sale.
wouldnt have been able to buy some anyway....not only are we getting no income....the job centre have stopped out benifts cos brians wanker of an ex boss has spun them a web of lies and exageration and they swalloed it up and have suspended out jobseekers allowance for god knows how long while they check it out. why are there so many arse holes in the world? and why to they always seem to find me and brian?
his boss reduced his hours from 30 odd a week to 4 a week...and was being really horrible to him as well, brian rang the jobcentre and asked if there was anything he could claim cos obviously 4 hours wasnt enough...and his boss had told him that there was more work but he gave it to others, and that he didnt know when he would have more work for him....job centre told brian to calm for jobseekers and look for another job.
then his boss started being even more of an brian told him he was claiming job seekers and wouldnt be working for him anymore.
his boss then tried to take all kinds of money out of his final wages...stupid things that he was defo not entitled to take. and he wanted to take his taxi licence cos he didnt want him to get further work.
in the end he could take everything he wanted cos obviously it wasnt what did he do? he lied....and said that he took a certain amount of money out of his final wages because he didnt agree with the hours brian had put down for certain jobs.
what an arsehole.
so the job centre sent him a questionairre, asking hom about why brian left etc.....and his boss said " brian wasnt happy witht he hours i gave him even though i gave him 30 odd hours and he refused jobs loads cos he has a kid"
in actual fact.... brian was told at the start of the job that he could refuse any jobs he didnt want to do. so when i went into labour, (which his boss was more than prepared for....and brian told him to second we went to hospital....) brian obviouslt couldnt do the job that day....but he did go straight from hospital at 1 in the morning got a couple of hours sleep and got up at 4 to go do a job for him, then came straight to the hospital once he was done.
other than that, the only jobs he refused was when we were in manchester one time and his boss's fill in rang him and asked if he was available and he had to say no because he was out shopping with his family, and wouldnt get home in time to collect the vehicle etc.
and in the first week of louis being born...i had a bit of melt down and brian asked for 2 days off to help me, which his boss said was fine.
his boss made it sound like i already had a child and wouldnt let brian work. but all of this was way before brain left the job. and brain had made several attempts to find out the problem by talking to his boss and asking him what the matter was and why there was friction between them, but his boss would never give him a straight answer
so bottem line is.....i fucking hate his ex boss.
because of his stupid vendetta with brian, we now had and ridiculously lowered income...forcing brian to have no other choice than to resign, so now we have no income, a really low final wage that took ages to get here, and now no jobseekers allowance.
other news....this is better news....louis sleeps through the night now....from 8 till 8. its so incredibly proud of him. our routine has done wonders....he almost always settles right away when we put him down...
however.....he has his first lot of jabs i imagine that is gonna put a spanner in the works...apparently it usually brings on a fever and fussiness for a couple of days
ive gained a couple of pounds....comfort eating i expect......i have to sort it out.
for trying ot build myself back up again....ive done it before....i can do it again.
in other so upset and gutted because morrissey is playing a couple of nights at manchester apollo, its one of my fave venues for shows....and i found out by typing in morrissey into ticketline.....only to see that they are sold out.

i know it sounds corny...but i needed to see him. its been awhile and i have been missing him like crazy. he has a very special place in my heart not just for his music but for who he is, and im really pissed off that the fanclub never emailed me to let me know they were going on sale.
wouldnt have been able to buy some anyway....not only are we getting no income....the job centre have stopped out benifts cos brians wanker of an ex boss has spun them a web of lies and exageration and they swalloed it up and have suspended out jobseekers allowance for god knows how long while they check it out. why are there so many arse holes in the world? and why to they always seem to find me and brian?
his boss reduced his hours from 30 odd a week to 4 a week...and was being really horrible to him as well, brian rang the jobcentre and asked if there was anything he could claim cos obviously 4 hours wasnt enough...and his boss had told him that there was more work but he gave it to others, and that he didnt know when he would have more work for him....job centre told brian to calm for jobseekers and look for another job.
then his boss started being even more of an brian told him he was claiming job seekers and wouldnt be working for him anymore.
his boss then tried to take all kinds of money out of his final wages...stupid things that he was defo not entitled to take. and he wanted to take his taxi licence cos he didnt want him to get further work.
in the end he could take everything he wanted cos obviously it wasnt what did he do? he lied....and said that he took a certain amount of money out of his final wages because he didnt agree with the hours brian had put down for certain jobs.
what an arsehole.
so the job centre sent him a questionairre, asking hom about why brian left etc.....and his boss said " brian wasnt happy witht he hours i gave him even though i gave him 30 odd hours and he refused jobs loads cos he has a kid"
in actual fact.... brian was told at the start of the job that he could refuse any jobs he didnt want to do. so when i went into labour, (which his boss was more than prepared for....and brian told him to second we went to hospital....) brian obviouslt couldnt do the job that day....but he did go straight from hospital at 1 in the morning got a couple of hours sleep and got up at 4 to go do a job for him, then came straight to the hospital once he was done.
other than that, the only jobs he refused was when we were in manchester one time and his boss's fill in rang him and asked if he was available and he had to say no because he was out shopping with his family, and wouldnt get home in time to collect the vehicle etc.
and in the first week of louis being born...i had a bit of melt down and brian asked for 2 days off to help me, which his boss said was fine.
his boss made it sound like i already had a child and wouldnt let brian work. but all of this was way before brain left the job. and brain had made several attempts to find out the problem by talking to his boss and asking him what the matter was and why there was friction between them, but his boss would never give him a straight answer
so bottem line is.....i fucking hate his ex boss.
because of his stupid vendetta with brian, we now had and ridiculously lowered income...forcing brian to have no other choice than to resign, so now we have no income, a really low final wage that took ages to get here, and now no jobseekers allowance.
other news....this is better news....louis sleeps through the night now....from 8 till 8. its so incredibly proud of him. our routine has done wonders....he almost always settles right away when we put him down...
however.....he has his first lot of jabs i imagine that is gonna put a spanner in the works...apparently it usually brings on a fever and fussiness for a couple of days

ive gained a couple of pounds....comfort eating i expect......i have to sort it out.
Hopefully, Louis to the shots like a champ.