me thinks louis is head down.....keep your fingers crossed he will stay head down guys!! i dont need one more thing to add onto all the other things that make it possible that ill have to have a c section.
i got the all important scan tommorow, that will tell me if the fliud situaiton is any better, and how big he is now. it kinda all rests on there is too much or he is too big, it could make the difference between him being born in a few weeks or 6 weeks.
onto other cookies are officially a success!! my mum said they were delicious! and brian loves them. cant wait till i can bake some more.
i gave my dad a copy of the new extreme album to listen to seeing as i convinced him he would like it enough to actually buy a ticket to come with us before he has even heard it! lol
and he absolutly loves it! so thats great.....i thought he might be stubborn and say he didnt but nope! he loves it. hes looking forward to the gig now. as am i!!! im so exited for it its untrue. ive been a fan forever.
as for pregnancy 34 weeks now, well...and 2 days. so on my way to 35. crazy. as uncomfortable and in pain i am, it is still going super fast. im kinda glad of that now though....i never realised how hard this last leg of it would be.
i really want to know what he looks like.....will he look like me? or brian? so exited!!
bring on the crying and dirty nappies!!!! ( im sure ill be ripping my hair out when i get those things but for now im exited
im going to make a video soon, maybe today actually to put in my next blog, showing you all the stuff we have for louis. i just wanna share it all with you guys, since pretty soon he will be using all of it!
i got the all important scan tommorow, that will tell me if the fliud situaiton is any better, and how big he is now. it kinda all rests on there is too much or he is too big, it could make the difference between him being born in a few weeks or 6 weeks.
onto other cookies are officially a success!! my mum said they were delicious! and brian loves them. cant wait till i can bake some more.
i gave my dad a copy of the new extreme album to listen to seeing as i convinced him he would like it enough to actually buy a ticket to come with us before he has even heard it! lol
and he absolutly loves it! so thats great.....i thought he might be stubborn and say he didnt but nope! he loves it. hes looking forward to the gig now. as am i!!! im so exited for it its untrue. ive been a fan forever.
as for pregnancy 34 weeks now, well...and 2 days. so on my way to 35. crazy. as uncomfortable and in pain i am, it is still going super fast. im kinda glad of that now though....i never realised how hard this last leg of it would be.
i really want to know what he looks like.....will he look like me? or brian? so exited!!
bring on the crying and dirty nappies!!!! ( im sure ill be ripping my hair out when i get those things but for now im exited

im going to make a video soon, maybe today actually to put in my next blog, showing you all the stuff we have for louis. i just wanna share it all with you guys, since pretty soon he will be using all of it!

There is still plenty of time for him to get his head right.
But don't be afraid if that is how Louis comes into your life.
After all of the Natural Childbirth stuff my daughters mother and I did,
she was too big for the pelvic opening. When we learned that, it was
a disappointment but we had a planned C-sec instead of an
emergency one after failed labor. It was easier on both of them.
The plus will be that you'll still be tight.
Best wishes.