I hope everyone had an awesome halloween! I got a halloween tattoo just for the hell of it hehe

So what did you dress up as for halloween? Almost every costume party/halloween I go as some kind of zombie so this year I thought Id try something different and went as the Cheshire Cat. haha
It took AGES to paint myself!
Next year though I am going back to zombie. Way less effort.
In other news I have started my new job and am loving it! Everyone is so nice and I think I'm picking everything up pretty easily. Also being paid for any overtime is pretty rad. I love being on an hourly rate but still full time. Its great!
This weekend Im heading to the Gold Coast with AmyElizabeth and Saarni which I am looking SO SO SO forward to. We are staying two nights so that way one of the nights we can go out drinking and dancing and basically running a muck! Oh and I will also be shooting a set! So will Saarni! Oh and maybe a multi if we can squeeze it in...maybe
Hmm what else can I blog about???
I am totally addicted to Fallout :New Vegas
Also there's only a week until Call of Duty: Black Ops comes out! Weeeeeeeeeeee!!!! I am so so so excited for this to come out.
I ordered the Prestige edition and I can't wait to play with my little remote controlled car! hehe
Well that will have to do for tonight. I have to go out and buy some antihistamines because I have hay fever >.<