Without further ado;
This is my baby! The Emerald Green, 1993 Dodge Shadow ES, 3.0 V6, 5-Speed on the right. It's an older car, it has it's flaws, but man, she really is a gem. <3 I'm having so much fun bringing it back to life & customizing it to my liking. Who knew I was so mechanically inclined all my life? Haha.
Decided to go on a cruise today with an old friend of mine. He was testing out his new wheels & I felt the need to tag along & rally my car out as well, seeing as how I just tore a good majority of it apart trying to find a slight performance issue. Finally found the culprit yesterday & remedied it not a moment too soon. I figured while I was in there with it all torn apart I'd just go ahead & tune it as well. It's incredible how big of a difference such a small cog in the clockwork can make. 3:)
What a lovely start to a wonderful day. :) Hope you're all doing beautifully as well.
Much love, many blessings, best regards~ <3